What are we being saved from?

I made this video concerning one of the real reasons for salvation. It is the cause and effect of all things. And there is only one who can lead us into the knowledge of how we overcome it and through whose power we need to do it.

Sometimes, in our daily life it is easy to ignore the real reason we need God's salvation. If we are saved we view it as receiving eternal life and a heavenly kingdom. And most stop there and miss the importance of our need of salvation in our daily life which God our creator desires to show us from a place of wisdom, understanding and knowledge.

So many see eternal life as destination, not realizing you have been offered an opportunity to be saved from what can destroy you today and for the rest of life eternally whatever that may look like in the future. What I am talking about in this video is what took out 1/3 of the angels, wiped out humanity once from the face of the earth except for 8 and will again bring about a great judgement on humanity who reject God's help to live right, even professing christians.

If you watch the video let me know what you think concerning your thoughts on salvation.

So true salvation is not just the ultimate salvation brought with Christ at his return, it is also salvation and deliverance in this present world.
We are being saved from certain death. The wages of sin is death.

What people find it hard to understand is, when christians die, we just go to sleep and will be granted eternal life in heavenly bodies, as our souls are saved but people that aren't saved will just rot in the ground (perish) and won't have eternal life.

An uncomfortable truth, but it's just reality.
Salvation from fear. Fear, the root of all our troubles.
I like what you say, but isn't a certain degree of fear necessary? we need healthy fear surely? I also know the bible does say that perfect love casts out fear, but I find this a bit of a paradox.
Fear of inadequacy or fear of not having what one wants/desires can certainly cause us to usurp authority like the devil. In other words step into pride which is really nothing more than assuming a right to something or a position or a positional attitude regardless of the supreme authority view of it. so you sin taking or assuming a right or position not given you. Using Jesus as someone being humble and living in what God had given Him here on the earth, to even fulfilling what was right. His death on the cross.
The perfect love I believe John talks about is finding your adequacy in God knowing God loves you that you don't have to sin for fear of not having. It a wonderful place to be.
Biological fear is part of flesh wanting to survive. It's innate. It is a warning which Truth will set us free from. That is, to do what is required for survival, or accept the consequences of possible death to the body.

A person of Truth sees (discerns) what is coming around the corner, so to speak. They also know that though they have a body, they are not the body. And, they know that they are not here for self, but for the One that sent them.

A person focused on self will always be fearful. Fear of invalidity dominates a worldly person. Their fears cause impatience, intolerance, anger, resentment, jealousy, greed, and all other self-created conditionality for the sole purpose of maintaining a false okayness/validity.

Jesus Christ's focus was on God, the Father of our spirit. We are all children of the Father when we allow it. When we do, a space is created within us, allowing the Spirit of Truth to move through us, from inner to outer, expressing the Truth within us _ fearlessly. We become the Light of the world we walk through, the purpose for being here, a witness that God is still with us on earth, and reachable for those seeking Him, the Father of Truth.