what are you/ WE doing ?

Good question Forgiven, are we doing what we can?
I sometimes remember a time in the past, when maybe I could have done a little more.

Missed opportunities to do what we can, not being fully aware just how important it could have been.
Good question Forgiven, are we doing what we can?
I sometimes remember a time in the past, when maybe I could have done a little more.

Missed opportunities to do what we can, not being fully aware just how important it could have been.
we cant never do enough mary is a very interesting woman one might call her devout we find this
Luke 10:39: Mary sat at Jesus’ feet and learned.

· John 11:32: Mary fell at Jesus’ feet and surrendered.

· John 12:3: Mary anointed Jesus’ feet and honored Jesus.

we also find in john where she has chosen the Good part her sister Martha being a good woman of God also. was distracted by getting the meal together . from Reading it appears as she was bit over whelmed with preparation of the meal , yes rightfully so but at the time she failed to see the importance of Mary being the feet of Jesus learning. we are told in Matthew 11:15 he that hath ear let him hear in this world we live in its easy to be distracted . i catch my self being distracted years ago in a Church camp meeting the preacher mentioned 3 top priories in our walk with Christ . Jesus Family Church i am reminded of what paul wrote in

Colossians 3:23-24
23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

King James Version
many lessons are to be learned from mary . her humbling her self. she never discussed what she was going to do. the Lord put this on her heart it was also her act of worship .

this is part of the morning message . i am ready for the Lord to bring this to light .He is the the true preacher .

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