I agree. It is a wonderful picture for sure. But in my opinion, it is not the real Jesus Christ. It is what that young lady believes in her mind that He looks like exactly as it was for Leonardo Divinchi when He painted the likeness of Jesus at the Lord's supper. Divinchi never saw Jesus and this young lady did not go not heaven and see Jesus. It was her perception and was not based in fact.
We know that is Biblically true since the Scriptures tell us that no one has seen Jesus/God in His glory and lived. I realize this is off the subject, but the link to the web site is rooted in the movie of someone going to heaven, seeing God then coming back to make a movie and paint pictures. Anyone and every one is free to believe that but I for one will stick to the Scriptures on this event.
The Bible tells us that no one has ever seen God in John 1:18................
" No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him."
Just to clear up any confusion on this, in
Exodus 33:20, God declares..............
You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.”
Yes, many have seen what they perceived to be Jesus. But that is based on their thinking and what they want Him to look like. Yes, Christ as the "angle of the Lord" was seen by Abraham, and David, and Gideon and many more. But that was when He was veiled, so, yes, God in Christ can be “seen” and many people have “seen” God in that way.
No one has ever seen God revealed in all His glory. In our fallen human condition, if God were to fully reveal Himself to us, we would be consumed and destroyed. That is the reason I say that no could have gone to heaven and seen Jesus. It is just a Biblical impossibility. IMHO!