John 4:24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth."
Hebrews 12:29 for our "God is a consuming fire."
1 John 4:8 But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
We are all corrupted human beings, and no one is righteous. According to Romans Chapter 3.
Without Christ Jesus, Mans effort of being Good, and being good enough to make it into Heaven based on their merits and looking at God as a man and would be accepting of them. This view is untrue. It is heartbreaking really....
Christ Jesus was the only righteous one that lived on this earth, who is the one whom all should place their faith in to allow us to be save to the kingdom of God. Us as human beings are not good but God is. God was good enough to see us as important and loved us enough to send his son Jesus Christ to pay for all the sin of the world.
That when we look on the Lord Jesus Christ, we are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus by his righteousness and not us.
Never about what we do, or anything, if you produce works it is out of Love for God an the Lord Jesus Christ. It is love towards Jesus Christ an his way, and not what we as human beings look to in saying what is good and what is not good.
Jesus Christ is the one to look towards.
Now with all this being said, What does God look like?
From my understanding a beam of the brightest white light, that is spirit, that is a consuming fire, and that is Love is what God looks like.
This God that is a consuming fire that burns so bright can blind you, destroy you, or light can help you see, and cleanse the darkness out of you is a terrifying image to behold before in front of God who sees and knows we are all sinful, and we all needed a saviour.
That Saviour is the Lord Jesus Christ... Who died, and was risen again by God.
Hebrews 12:29 for our "God is a consuming fire."
1 John 4:8 But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
We are all corrupted human beings, and no one is righteous. According to Romans Chapter 3.
Without Christ Jesus, Mans effort of being Good, and being good enough to make it into Heaven based on their merits and looking at God as a man and would be accepting of them. This view is untrue. It is heartbreaking really....
Christ Jesus was the only righteous one that lived on this earth, who is the one whom all should place their faith in to allow us to be save to the kingdom of God. Us as human beings are not good but God is. God was good enough to see us as important and loved us enough to send his son Jesus Christ to pay for all the sin of the world.
That when we look on the Lord Jesus Christ, we are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus by his righteousness and not us.
Never about what we do, or anything, if you produce works it is out of Love for God an the Lord Jesus Christ. It is love towards Jesus Christ an his way, and not what we as human beings look to in saying what is good and what is not good.
Jesus Christ is the one to look towards.
Now with all this being said, What does God look like?
From my understanding a beam of the brightest white light, that is spirit, that is a consuming fire, and that is Love is what God looks like.
This God that is a consuming fire that burns so bright can blind you, destroy you, or light can help you see, and cleanse the darkness out of you is a terrifying image to behold before in front of God who sees and knows we are all sinful, and we all needed a saviour.
That Saviour is the Lord Jesus Christ... Who died, and was risen again by God.
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