what does God want me to do ?

i think everyone of us has asked this question .... SOOOO lets let scripture answer

Matthew 6:33
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

i think all these things are of a wide variety we know paul wrote Philippians 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. he Knows are needs better than us and yes be honest when he came though it wasnt exactly what we prayed for. ( be honest )
know then here comes the icing on the cake on what He wants we shouldn't for get romans 12:1-2 a Living sacrifice / take up our Cross follow him deny our self. when we are doing this paul calls it our reasonable service . then he throws the Big bomb not conformed to this world .. dont let the world influence us . how do we do this by transforming /renewing our mind

btw that was still the cake lol here come the icing what he wants us to do

Micah 6:8

King James Version

8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? part of this goes with our Church attendance you say they dont believe like i do . there are all kinds Churches to attend besides a old time preacher man use to say . if your looking for the perfect Church and find it.. it wont be very long because we are there. we all need fixed

then he said this about preaching its like eating Chicken eat the meat and throw the Bones away

8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? part of this goes with our Church attendance you say they dont believe like i do . there are all kinds Churches to attend
You and I have had this discussion.... I am going to a Baptist church tomorrow morning. I have never been to a Baptist church.
I have not yet been to any church since you and I had that discussion about it in private message. You misunderstood the point I was trying to make to you and took offence to my comment about WHERE would you have me go?? and I gave the example of the churches that teach falsely.
My point was CANADA is NOT like the US... and people don't seem to understand this. WE don't have churches tucked away with deep history and a good track record of being Bible teaching.

Anyways... I will give this church a try... however... with that said... I'm not sure what is expected of a member of a church. I am not a social critter... so I am not one to attend functions or to even be with others. THAT is a fact... It's how I am made up and I can't change that.

I am scared to do this... That is honest... I do not want to go to church. I have made no secret about this.

When I see the EMPHASIS that you place on attending church... I guess I just don't understand.
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i think everyone of us has asked this question .... SOOOO lets let scripture answer

Matthew 6:33 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

i think all these things are of a wide variety we know paul wrote Philippians 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. he Knows are needs better than us and yes be honest when he came though it wasnt exactly what we prayed for. ( be honest ) know then here comes the icing on the cake on what He wants we shouldn't for get romans 12:1-2 a Living sacrifice / take up our Cross follow him deny our self. when we are doing this paul calls it our reasonable service . then he throws the Big bomb not conformed to this world .. dont let the world influence us . how do we do this by transforming /renewing our mind btw that was still the cake lol here come the icing what he wants us to do​

Micah 6:8 King James Version​

8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?​

part of this goes with our Church attendance you say they dont believe like i do . there are all kinds Churches to attend besides a old time preacher man use to say . if your looking for the perfect Church and find it.. it wont be very long because we are there. we all need fixed then he said this about preaching its like eating Chicken eat the meat and throw the Bones away​

Good morning, forgiven;

Good thread and amen to all you said. Matthew 6:33 is one of my daily anthem Scriptures in my prayers.

I feel like all the passages in the Bible, it takes steadfast,
individual discipline, or discipleship.

I have been told about the perfect Church and the reasons why people love small Churches because it's so personable and why people love medium to mega Churches because it has so much more to offer.

Regardless, they all have (people) problems and the bigger the Church the bigger the (people) problems. Still, they're all God's Churches.

God knows we need corporate fellowship. I personally love corporate fellowship. God doesn't make it a burden and He permits us to feel the joy of our Church families while He tends to the unhappy stuff or problems in His Church.

God bless
you, brother, and thank you for sharing
what does God want me to do ?

God knows we need corporate fellowship. I personally love corporate fellowship. God doesn't make it a burden and He permits us to feel the joy of our Church families while He tends to the unhappy stuff or problems in His Church.
that is my problem Bob... I don't need fellowship on the same scale that many do... I LOVE my hermit life. I do have fellowship here in the forums... and I have 3 Christian friends that I keep in contact with via email.

So... I guess for me... this would simply be an act of obedience to attend church. It doesn't seem to matter whether one wants to or not. For me this will be like ticking off a box on a to do list. That is honestly how I am feeling. I mean NO disrespect.... I am simply being brutally honest about this church attending dilemma I am undergoing.

I will try the Baptist church. I will have a 3 mile walk to get there... which is fine... but this same church comes on my Christian radio every Sunday morning... so ... yeah...
You and I have had this discussion.... I am going to a Baptist church tomorrow morning. I have never been to a Baptist church. CANADA is NOT like the US... and people don't seem to understand this. WE don't have churches tucked away with deep history and a good track record of being Bible teaching. Anyways... I will give this church a try... however... with that said... I'm not sure what is expected of a member of a church. I am not a social critter... so I am not one to attend functions or to even be with others. THAT is a fact... It's how I am made up and I can't change that. I am scared to do this... That is honest... I do not want to go to church. I have made no secret about this. When I see the EMPHASIS that you place on attending church... I guess I just don't understand.

Good morning, In Awe of Him;

We know you love the Lord and it's ok to feel the way you do. I've been a Church going man all my life starting with my parents. There is still much I don't understand but have gained, slowly but surely.

Just a little history and a few loving tips before you visit this Church tomorrow.

The Baptist Church launched 400 years ago in America and 264 years ago in Nova Scotia, Canada, reference The Baptist Heritage Four Centuries of Baptist Witness by H. Leon Mcbeth.

I'm not directing this solely to you but to all of us in this topic. Christians should refrain from emphasizing denomination, proclaiming our theology (reformed, replacement, systematic, Biblical, etc...,) our different beliefs about the Rapture, or which early Church father we prefer over the other regarding their apologetics (defense of their doctrine.)

This does not give us a priority pass or one step ahead of the other into Heaven. We all fall short of His glory while striving to be a Christian who believes and follows Jesus.

Please review this Church online (if you haven't already) prior to visiting tomorrow. Remain in prayer and convey to God that He is your audience and desire to worship Him. Keep your heart open to the members who welcome you. Ask for wisdom and discernment when you meet or are greeted by the Pastor. Ask the Lord to speak to you as the Pastor preaches. These are simple first steps.

Don't expect this to be the right match for you on
day one. Don't put a high bar on this Church or get ahead of yourself about what's expected of becoming a member. That's God's job and His purpose to lead you. When you get home, please go into prayer. Ask God what He says, first, about your visit to this Church.

This Church is not expecting to change you or to become a social light or climber. All you're doing is visiting God's Church. Be at peace.

God bless you, In Awe of Him.

that is my problem Bob... I don't need fellowship on the same scale that many do... I LOVE my hermit life. I do have fellowship here in the forums... and I have 3 Christian friends that I keep in contact with via email.

So... I guess for me... this would simply be an act of obedience to attend church. It doesn't seem to matter whether one wants to or not. For me this will be like ticking off a box on a to do list. That is honestly how I am feeling. I mean NO disrespect.... I am simply being brutally honest about this church attending dilemma I am undergoing.

I will try the Baptist church. I will have a 3 mile walk to get there... which is fine... but this same church comes on my Christian radio every Sunday morning... so ... yeah...
I understand how difficult it may be to find a true Bible church in a country where ministers preach the truth from Scripture and get charged with hate speach because they spoke against the ungodly values of the prevailing culture. It brings to mind Elijah's dilemma (1 Kings 19:28), but God does have pockets of true followers. I will pray that you find them.
There are so many things we are called on to do, from faith in God to pursuing holiness and our sanctification, but it all STARTS right here...

John 20:31 NKJV
but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.

for without His life, all our 'doing' would be in vain.
. I'm not sure what is expected of a member of a church.
just go your not necessarily being a member by just attending ,, Baptist have a good theology. different branches teach some things different, southern and missionary as well as independent teach osas .. mind you you there is a list of Baptist a mile long , Go with a open mind follow the pastor with your Bible , if he is worth his weight in Gold .it will be Bible and not him .. i talked by phone yesterday to a young man age 25 only been preaching about a year and a half. pastoring his first Church .i advised him find some seasoned ministers ask questions. no i know nothing about Canada other what i read about the government. i been told you cant say anything against the LGBT ..i would never make it if that is true..

your doing the right thing going baptist are fairly laid back compared to the Pentecostal. Both are good peeps just worship different

When I see the EMPHASIS that you place on attending church... I guess I just don't understand.

ITS NOT going to church that the emphasis is .. its what you get out of it..... i seen your reply in another post talking about being diabetic . i am there to you get info from the doctor as well as other sources . same with Church you will find friends bro-sisters in Christ . its call fellowship . a scripture in Ephesians its says he gAve us pastors different offices of the Church for the edifying building up of the saints.. as per our priv conversation what is said in priv remains priv, so on church so you go to the beauty shop thats what they was called when i was growing up. a lady would go get nice hair do you went you got something out of it. if you just go in and sit get nothing done you got nothing out of it God designed the Church for us to get what we need
Please review this Church online (if you haven't already) prior to visiting tomorrow.

Sunday Service​

Service Sunday - Please preregister for Sunday service by Friday morning. Please wear a mask.

Note: There will be a short Service broadcast each Sunday on 103.5 KFM Radio at 11:00 AM so please listen there.

I'm glad I checked on line... This is what is on their front page. I tried calling twice yesterday but the office is only open for short periods of time through out the week.

I don't think this is my cup of tea... ANYWAYS..... I am NOT going to mention church again. I don't want to come across as someone who says YES but then doesn't follow through.

I'm good... I'm hugely RELIEVED... If the thought of going somewhere causes this much stress... I have to question why would someone bother.

I listen to two church services on the radio every Sunday morning... one of which is this church I was going to walk to.

I'm sorry to have rambled on about things. I just wanted to let you all know... I did NOT go to church this morning.

Sunday Service​

Service Sunday - Please preregister for Sunday service by Friday morning. Please wear a mask.

Note: There will be a short Service broadcast each Sunday on 103.5 KFM Radio at 11:00 AM so please listen there.

I'm glad I checked on line... This is what is on their front page. I tried calling twice yesterday but the office is only open for short periods of time through out the week.

I don't think this is my cup of tea... ANYWAYS..... I am NOT going to mention church again. I don't want to come across as someone who says YES but then doesn't follow through.

I'm good... I'm hugely RELIEVED... If the thought of going somewhere causes this much stress... I have to question why would someone bother.

I listen to two church services on the radio every Sunday morning... one of which is this church I was going to walk to.

I'm sorry to have rambled on about things. I just wanted to let you all know... I did NOT go to church this morning.
Neither did I 🙂

Good morning, In Awe of Him and Cosia;

did you also attempt to visit this Church? Don't you have any Churches close to where you live? 😎 heh heh!

In Awe of Him, I'm glad (someone) suggested you review the Church prior to going. Three miles is a long walk. lol!

I don't know why you have this discomfort but God knows, Praise Him, and I'll continue to keep you in my prayers, not that you find a good Church, but what God has planned for you.

God bless you both, sisters, we all love you and thank you for your fellowship here at the friendly Christian forum.

Good morning, In Awe of Him and Cosia;

did you also attempt to visit this Church? Don't you have any Churches close to where you live? 😎 heh heh!

In Awe of Him, I'm glad (someone) suggested you review the Church prior to going. Three miles is a long walk. lol!

I don't know why you have this discomfort but God knows, Praise Him, and I'll continue to keep you in my prayers, not that you find a good Church, but what God has planned for you.

God bless you both, sisters, we all love you and thank you for your fellowship here at the friendly Christian forum.

Nothing dramatic Bob, just health and weather, mxed together.
But I do attend a local church, and have made many good friends there.
God Bless