What does it mean to be "Holy?" according to Leviticus 19:1-20:27

Parasha: Kedoshim (Holy Ones) Leviticus 19:1-20:27

Chapter 19 starts with the words; “Ye shall be Holy for I am Holy”. When we look at the original Hebrew we read; “Amarta Aleichem Kadoshim ti’hiyu Ki Kadosh Ani” But there is something different in the two words; “Kadoshim” (ones who are holy) and Kadosh (Holy ONE). The word “Be ye Holy” in the original Hebrew has 5 letters, and the word “Kadosh” has 4 letters. The biggest difference is that the “o” in “Kadoshim” is not present, but it IS present in “Kadosh”. If we write these words in English, they would be “Kadshim” and “Kadosh” Why? There is a missing letter “Vav”

The “vav” is pronounced as either “v” “o” or “u”. It symbolizes the “nail”. Perfect Holiness without sin is only Adonai! He alone has the “vav” He took the “nail” for our sins. Our Holiness is lacking, we are not perfect as we have the sin nature, therefore, our Holiness can not carry the “Vav”

Some people have the wrong idea about the word "Holy" or "Holiness". Some might think it is to be almost sinless and perfect like God, yet only God is 100% Holy, as explained using the letter "Vav". Yet in reality, the word "Kadosh" or "Holy" is to be "separate". Separated from the lost world of perdition and set aside to do the work of God. God separated the people of Israel, as he has separated ALL believers, to do His work and to abide by HIS commandments. When we live a lifestyle based on His commandments, we are revealing a "Holy" lifestyle to those around us and thus we can be a good witnessing tool to the lost. We have been "saved" by faith to walk in "holiness. "

The first thing that is said is: "Honor your mother and father and keep my sabbaths" We see that God starts with family relationships, honoring those who have raised us, and to rest on the Sabbath. What a wonderful way to spend the Sabbath, being with our families and just enjoying the company of Mom and Dad (if they are still alive) and If not, with our siblings, brothers, sisters, and other family members.

Chapter 19 deals with quite a variety of commandments; “You shall not profane the name of the LORD thy YHVH; You shall love thy neighbor as thyself, I AM YHVH”. All of the 613 commandments of God have to do with honoring YHVH and our relationship with our fellow man. When we honor and love the LORD with all of our heart, we are honoring and not profaning the Name YHVH. When we honor and treat our fellow man well and try to establish a good relationship with him or her, we are, in a matter of sense, keeping the whole Torah, (in a general sense). When we are a bad witness before our fellow man, when we are an embarrassment because our sins are brought into the light, then, we are profaning the name of YHVH.

” You shall not curse the deaf nor put a stumbling block before the blind” (19:14) When one talks about another in a negative sense or spreads an “untruth” and the “other” cannot hear what is being said, it is as if that person is “deaf”. We need to be honest and truthful. If we have something we wish to discuss with a person, we need to do it face-to-face, and not behind the back.

When we misrepresent the Truth of God, teach or spread false teaching whether on purpose or by error, we are in a way a “stumbling block” before someone who does not know Yeshua “The blind” (spiritually).

“You shall not sow your field with mixed seed” (19:19) because each plant takes away from the soil nutrients, planting a mixture of crops will very soon deplete the soil of all of its nutrients, thus weakening the soil. Another example is plowing with an ox and a donkey, mixing fabrics (linen and wool) An ox is stronger than a donkey, and will make the donkey suffer under unneeded stress. The wool will shrink and pull away from the linen, thus ruining the fabric. We are talking about being "unequally yoked". The same can be said about a marriage, a business association, etc.

“You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor TATTOO any marks on you I AM YHVH! That is quite a statement. I am of the opinion that if God wanted us to have tattoos on our bodies, we would have been born with them. Why can’t people be happy with the bodies God gave them? Why do they have to alter them with drawings and markings? But such was the custom of the pagan cultures like the Canaanites, Moabites, etc., and it continues today. However, the blood of Yeshua covers, cleanses, and forgives ALL sin, even the sin of tattooing, yet tattooing is one sin that will leave its mark forever! (unless it is somehow removed)

” uncovering the nakedness of ….” This is another way of saying, “having sex” Chapter 20 takes up that topic again along with other topics. Adultery, under Torah's command, resulted in the death penalty, if this were effective today, how many couples would be true to each other? Perhaps many more than we imagine. It seems like sexuality is a serious issue with our creator. If it is serious with Him, it should be with us as well.

When we follow the Torah of Adonai and put his commandments into practice with all of our heart, we are consecrating ourselves to Him, as “Kedoshim and Tzadikim” (holy and righteous ones) however always remember, that “SALVATION” comes ONLY through FAITH IN YESHUA! It is our faith in HIM that makes us Holy and Righteous, and this relationship leads us to Holy and Righteous works, which are obedience to his mitzvoth (commandments)
Hello Ben;

I'm preaching this Sunday on the Ten Commandments and the emphasis on being Holy will be in the message.

What does it mean to be "Holy?" according to Leviticus 19:1-20:27 caught my attention. It's a great thread and you cover a lot.

In my personal walk with Christ there have been some breakthroughs in my continued growth in 2024. I desire to live a Holy life and I experienced that by opening up to God with my confession, He is faithful and will work within and through me. I am forever grateful to Him.

One thought about tattoos. I can't overlook in these times that tats are a growing trend and even in the ministry Godly men and women have their remaining tats from years before.

I never had the courage to have a tattoo or have my ears pierced. But I wonder, how does one reconcile with putting tats on their bodies and later regretting it? Your thoughts?

God bless
you, Ben, and thank you for sharing.
Hello Bob,

Great that you are teaching over the Ten Commandments, this should be a series because you can't cover all the commandments on one Sunday, I'll give this site: "go elevate church" in Miami Lakes, FL. Pastor Louie is giving a series on the 10 Commandments, you can watch them, Ill send you the site. I visited Go Elevate twice with my son David.

About Tatooes, I have never gotten any either, however, once you have them, they are there to stay unless you can get them removed, which I hear is painful, yet it is a sin that is forgiven, all sin is forgiven, but a person just has to live with that mark on their body. It used to be that only service members got tattooed, like a USMC on their shoulder, or a USN, (Navy) and an anchor, but now, this trend is out of control.

https://www.youtube.com/goelevatechurch The series is called "10 Ways to Wreck your life"
Good morning to you Ben Avraham ... I as very reluctant to read this thread because you are such a deep thinker and I am a simple thinker. I am easily overwhelmed and so keeping my faith... and my life simple... I am able to make sense of things in a very basic way.

All that to say... I was DELIGHTFULLY surprised that I was able to READ EVERYTHING you wrote with complete understanding. HA... the forums and GREAT THINKERS are starting to rub off on this little lamb. :D

Yet in reality, the word "Kadosh" or "Holy" is to be "separate". Separated from the lost world of perdition and set aside to do the work of God. God separated the people of Israel, as he has separated ALL believers, to do His work and to abide by HIS commandments. When we live a lifestyle based on His commandments, we are revealing a "Holy" lifestyle to those around us and thus we can be a good witnessing tool to the lost. We have been "saved" by faith to walk in "holiness. "
This is a brilliant explanation as to what TRUE HOLINESS is. We are not bound to endless do's and don'ts on a ritualistic basis.... however... we are indeed CALLED to live apart from the world/separate from the world. I have seen such a drastic decline in morality these last ten years.... that now we really HAVE to separate ourselves in order to simply live a Christian life... and our beliefs and actions are more dramatic on the world stage today then they have ever been before. The Western world is beginning to see the first signs of suffering for the faith".

nor TATTOO any marks on you I AM YHVH! That is quite a statement. I am of the opinion that if God wanted us to have tattoos on our bodies, we would have been born with them. Why can’t people be happy with the bodies God gave them? Why do they have to alter them with drawings and markings? But such was the custom of the pagan cultures like the Canaanites, Moabites, etc., and it continues today. However, the blood of Yeshua covers, cleanses, and forgives ALL sin, even the sin of tattooing, yet tattooing is one sin that will leave its mark forever! (unless it is somehow removed)
I love how you have truthfully stated the facts here. WE should be happy with the bodies that God gave us.... YET... so many give into the TRENDS of the world. I come from a family that thinks tattoos = hell. Legalists seem to love the book of Leviticus for harsh judgement and condemnation upon fellow Christians. You have ended your statement with the REALITY of CHRIST's forgiveness... cleansing and covering of all our sins.

Thank you for this wonderful post. I can't believe I understood it as well as I did. HAHA. God bless you.

Once again... I have to say that I am SO GRATEFUL for all the members here and of the wonderful TEACHINGS given by mature and seasoned Christians.