Just been reading
Major post on theosophy and had to look it up.
- Religious philosophy or speculation about the nature of the soul based on mystical insight into the nature of God.
What is mystical insight?
I have heard of it but have no idea what mystical means or what a mystic does.
Via............it is what Paul preached against in Galatians........GNOSTICISM.
The word
Gnosticism comes from the Greek word
gnosis, meaning "knowledge." The Gnostics believed there was a
mysterious or secret knowledge reserved for those with true understanding, leading to the salvation of the soul.
This radical distinction between our bodies and our spirits led Gnostics to twist the early church's understanding of who Jesus was and is. The Gnostics saw Jesus as a messenger bringing the special knowledge of salvation to humanity's imprisoned soul. They believed that when Jesus came to earth He didn't possess a body like our own; instead, the Gnostics taught that He only
seemed to have a physical body (known as the heresy of "docetism," from the Greek verb "to seem"). This was a denial of the Christian doctrine of the incarnation—the belief that Jesus was both fully God and fully human. But the Gnostics went even further: they also denied the bodily resurrection of Jesus, an event Paul argued must have taken place or our faith is in vain which was the MYSTERY and was completly different than the Bible.
Gnosticism, as an intellectual product, is grounded firmly in the general human act of reflecting upon existence. The Gnostics were concerned with the basic questions of existence or “being-in-the-world” (
Dasein)—that is:
who we are (as human beings),
where we have come from, and
where we are heading, historically and spiritually.
Source: (cf. Hans Jonas,
The Gnostic Religion 1958, p. 334).
What all that means is that regardless of WHAT GOD SAID......if
"WE" have this
mystery knowledge it frees us up to do what WE want to do without guilt or sin.
The reason Paul taught against this MYSTERY Philosophy was that some in the church took extreme actions and permitted their physical passions to run whatever course they chose. Those in this group justified their libertine lifestyles with the erroneous notion that their evil bodies were destined for destruction anyway, while their spirits, which they believed were good, would remain unharmed.
That same idea is still with us today throughout the church and you have seen that same thought right here.