What if The Lord goes silent?

Got a bit of xtra time today, so though i would post something random.

In the early days, (20+ yrs ago) I could ask God for help, guidance, answers etc, and I would usually get something fairly quickly, say within that week.

Verses from scripture seemed to be the normal way, and sometimes it would be a thought that I woke up with.

I went through a phase of seeing a mental picture when my mind was still.

I dream all the time, but they don't usually make any 'spiritual' sense. If anything, they rebuke me, for all the rubbish that I watch on 'the hell box' in the corner of the room 😉.

The thing is, the 'msgs' were always talking to me, not to be given to other people. I.e. i didn't get a 'word' for someone else.

Somebody recently commented to me, that God is always speaking to us. Im reading scriptures, but not hearing (or listening?)

So, what do we do, if The Lord goes silent?
Hi Choose Life
It may seem to you that God is not listening, but sometimes it is just not the right time for you to be answered.

If that is not so it could be any of many reasons.
Are we listening?
The last time we heard God's answer, or guidance , did we act on it?
Did we ask in faith, believing God would answer?
Have we done anything to displease God and not repented?

I am not saying any.of these things relate to you Choose Life they are just what I ask myself when I feel God is far away.

But we have the promise that The Lord will be with us even to the end. He is still there for us.

God Bless you always Dear Friend.
Hi Choose Life ... Happy Tuesday to you!!!

As I read your post... It made me to reflect on the times I directly ( audibly ) heard from God.
That number is twice. Once was ( I believe ) when God actually told satan to drop me.. as in DROP her right NOW.
I heard the word ENOUGH!!! and I seem to remember that this was significant in my healing process from that point on.
The second time... was three years ago at the lake. I can't tell you that it was an audible voice so to speak... but it was also most significant because there was NO doubt that the "voice" instilled to me that HE was the GOD of the BIBLE and that HE deeply LOVED me. I am still unable to work out what it is that happened to me that day... but from it came overflowing JOY and a healing of decades of severe depression. So.... something happened.

I don't believe we often HEAR from God directly in an audible voice ( so to speak ). Through testimonies... I have heard of people who got premonitions of things like... don't go on that bus or plane.. or stories of being LATE and then something bad happens at the place they were supposed to be. These "instances" in my opinion are NOT the norm.

The Lord NEVER goes silent. HE is ever present in HIS WORD. I think often times... we can get ourselves in trouble IF we depend on only HEARING from the Lord when in all reality...our instruction book is the BIBLE.

I do NOT always feel the "presence" ( if you will ) of God. Those are precious moments indeed but are NOT the norm... and I don't think any believer can honestly state they HEAR from God on a daily basis.

God bless you.... and I hope you have a beautiful week.
Got a bit of xtra time today, so though i would post something random.

In the early days, (20+ yrs ago) I could ask God for help, guidance, answers etc, and I would usually get something fairly quickly, say within that week.

Verses from scripture seemed to be the normal way, and sometimes it would be a thought that I woke up with.

I went through a phase of seeing a mental picture when my mind was still.

I dream all the time, but they don't usually make any 'spiritual' sense. If anything, they rebuke me, for all the rubbish that I watch on 'the hell box' in the corner of the room 😉.

The thing is, the 'msgs' were always talking to me, not to be given to other people. I.e. i didn't get a 'word' for someone else.

Somebody recently commented to me, that God is always speaking to us. Im reading scriptures, but not hearing (or listening?)

So, what do we do, if The Lord goes silent?
When one feels the Lord has gone silent, the best thing to do is to continue on in the last course of action God assigned until God gives a course correction should one deviate from His will.
Got a bit of xtra time today, so though i would post something random. In the early days, (20+ yrs ago) I could ask God for help, guidance, answers etc, and I would usually get something fairly quickly, say within that week. Verses from scripture seemed to be the normal way, and sometimes it would be a thought that I woke up with. I went through a phase of seeing a mental picture when my mind was still. I dream all the time, but they don't usually make any 'spiritual' sense. If anything, they rebuke me, for all the rubbish that I watch on 'the hell box' in the corner of the room 😉. The thing is, the 'msgs' were always talking to me, not to be given to other people. I.e. i didn't get a 'word' for someone else. Somebody recently commented to me, that God is always speaking to us. Im reading scriptures, but not hearing (or listening?) So, what do we do, if The Lord goes silent?
When one feels the Lord has gone silent, the best thing to do is to continue on in the last course of action God assigned until God gives a course correction should one deviate from His will.

Good morning, Choose Life;

During the early part of 2024 I had some major questions to some serious issues regarding life and ministry. It left me with deep, embedded frustration and anger. The Holy Spirit prompted me to be patient with God, so I prayerfully and literally gave my problems to Him.

With reverential respect and love I gently said the Lord, "This is your problem, God". It is. Afterall, He created me and guides my life with His Purpose and Plan, so I asked Him to give me patience while waiting. It be could He needs to reveal any areas that I need to learn or be corrected, first.

Around June (I didn't give God a time frame) was when He spoke to me through other people and sure enough, the issues melted off with answers and allowed me to move on to the next things. Something is always going with me while interfacing with others.

God bless you, Choose Life.

Good morning, Choose Life;

During the early part of 2024 I had some major questions to some serious issues regarding life and ministry. It left me with deep, embedded frustration and anger. The Holy Spirit prompted me to be patient with God, so I prayerfully and literally gave my problems to Him.

With reverential respect and love I gently said the Lord, "This is your problem, God". It is. Afterall, He created me and guides my life with His Purpose and Plan, so I asked Him to give me patience while waiting. It be could He needs to reveal any areas that I need to learn or be corrected, first.

Around June (I didn't give God a time frame) was when He spoke to me through other people and sure enough, the issues melted off with answers and allowed me to move on to the next things. Something is always going with me while interfacing with others.

God bless you, Choose Life.
God bless you bob.
I woke with a song in my head on Sunday morning, and they sang it in church. It's things like that, some would call it a coincidence, but we just know It's of God.

i agree, Patience is the key...
Hi Choose Life ... Happy Tuesday to you!!!

As I read your post... It made me to reflect on the times I directly ( audibly ) heard from God.
That number is twice. Once was ( I believe ) when God actually told satan to drop me.. as in DROP her right NOW.
I heard the word ENOUGH!!! and I seem to remember that this was significant in my healing process from that point on.
The second time... was three years ago at the lake. I can't tell you that it was an audible voice so to speak... but it was also most significant because there was NO doubt that the "voice" instilled to me that HE was the GOD of the BIBLE and that HE deeply LOVED me. I am still unable to work out what it is that happened to me that day... but from it came overflowing JOY and a healing of decades of severe depression. So.... something happened.

I don't believe we often HEAR from God directly in an audible voice ( so to speak ). Through testimonies... I have heard of people who got premonitions of things like... don't go on that bus or plane.. or stories of being LATE and then something bad happens at the place they were supposed to be. These "instances" in my opinion are NOT the norm.

The Lord NEVER goes silent. HE is ever present in HIS WORD. I think often times... we can get ourselves in trouble IF we depend on only HEARING from the Lord when in all reality...our instruction book is the BIBLE.

I do NOT always feel the "presence" ( if you will ) of God. Those are precious moments indeed but are NOT the norm... and I don't think any believer can honestly state they HEAR from God on a daily basis.

God bless you.... and I hope you have a beautiful week.
Amazing testimony. G bless you too.
To 'know' you're loved by God...wow! ♥

I once got "they're not rejecting you, they're rejecting Me" in my head. Then some time later that week, I stumbled across that verse in Samuel. I didnt even know where that verse was!! I was blown away xx
Hi Choose Life
It may seem to you that God is not listening, but sometimes it is just not the right time for you to be answered.

If that is not so it could be any of many reasons.
Are we listening?
The last time we heard God's answer, or guidance , did we act on it?
Did we ask in faith, believing God would answer?
Have we done anything to displease God and not repented?

I am not saying any.of these things relate to you Choose Life they are just what I ask myself when I feel God is far away.

But we have the promise that The Lord will be with us even to the end. He is still there for us.

God Bless you always Dear Friend.
I once got "they're not rejecting you, they're rejecting Me" in my head. Then some time later that week, I stumbled across that verse in Samuel. I didnt even know where that verse was!! I was blown away xx
I call those moments.... kisses to the heart from Jesus. You can't prove them... and you don't even want to try. God is personal... and these little communications are His Love language to us. He knows what we need... WHEN we need it.
I call those moments.... kisses to the heart from Jesus. You can't prove them... and you don't even want to try. God is personal... and these little communications are His Love language to us. He knows what we need... WHEN we need it.

Hello In Awe of Him;

Many, many, many years ago (1978 lol!) I shared with a coworker, "why do we weep or cry with tears when we think of Jesus?"

She replied that we're either being blessed with His joy or compassion.

That always stayed with me.

God bless
you, sister.