What is a easy way to keep track?

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I notice there is the Latest Postings at the top of the postings section on the right.
If I post something I get updates, on that thread.
But if there is allot of activity unless look under the link to latest post I am not aware of new topics/threads

I was wondering is there a way to have something like New Post indicator, or actually I should say new topic?
I see the new posts. But I miss when there is a new topic. When I used Xenforo before I thought there was a new post and new
thread alerts. Maybe that would be too crowded. But I notice I miss some of the new topics. Even though I am actively in the forum.

Just and idea/thought.

Pastor Gary ?
Can you enlighten us all?
I know I am a moderator but I am more of the Unidentified Flying Kind. 😂
Well only Christ can enlighten you :)

On the right side of the forum. It shows new post. And when there are allot of new posts.
Its hard to define when its a reply, or a whole new thread.

The software they use, I think has that option. But I was unsure if I am missing something how to see new topics over new posts?

Does that make sense?

Well only Christ can enlighten you :)

On the right side of the forum. It shows new post. And when there are allot of new posts.
Its hard to define when its a reply, or a whole new thread.

The software they use, I think has that option. But I was unsure if I am missing something how to see new topics over new posts?

Does that make sense?

No. LOL...I need pictures. I'm a woman identified flying kind!.
Whenever a NEW thread is started or a NEW post is placed, the main page main header containing that thread or post goes to a bold highlight. That tells you that there is something new under that main posting area header. Click on the bold header and see what the new thread or post is - also in bold font. If your device does not show bold headers after a new thread or post is placed, that is an issue with your device, not the forum software.

In THIS software version, the "New Posts" alert at the top left of the main page as well as the "Latest Posts" list in the right margin are all that is available. You will also see a new post notification next to the 'bell icon' just to the right of your username in the top right navigation, bar IF you are watching particular threads.

Thank you for the question.

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Whenever a NEW thread is started or a NEW post is placed, the main page main header containing that thread or post goes to a bold highlight. That tells you that there is something new under that main posting area header. Click on the bold header and see what the new thread or post is - also in bold font. If your device does not show bold headers after a new thread or post is placed, that is an issue with your device, not the forum software.

In THIS software version, the "New Posts" alert at the top left of the main page as well as the "Latest Posts" list in the right margin are all that is available. You will also see a new post notification next to the 'bell icon' just to the right of your username in the top right navigation, bar IF you are watching particular threads.

Thank you for the question.


Oh well.:D
Nothing shows Bold, and notification is spotty works sometimes.
I had typed a reply. But it goes to deep into the software for this.
I'll figure it out. I suppose if you knew why it would be me and not you. You would have stated.
I'll consider this answered.
Thanks For The Help.

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