What is an Idol?

Crossnote an idol can be almost anything. Something you worship or put more before the God. Be that an object like praying to Mary or the Saints. But It could also just as easily be your partner it could be your family your home or your financial security. I get rather uneasy when thinking about it for to long More so when thinking upon the full comprehension and gravity of Christs words in fully evaluating Jesus words ( Come Follow Me )
In today's world what would you consider an idol to be? What would it have in common with the OT idols of stone and wood that could neither hear or speak?
Cosia, would you say we need to guard ourselves from statues?...1 John 5:21 NASB95 Little children, guard yourselves from idols.

Good morning, crossnote and Cosia;

Absolutely! When I go to my barber they have a statue head of Julius Caesar. When they ask how I want my haircut I point to the statue and say, not like him! lol!

God bless you, crossnote. This is a good topic.
Crossnote an idol can be almost anything. Something you worship or put more before the God. Be that an object like praying to Mary or the Saints. But It could also just as easily be your partner it could be your family your home or your financial security. I get rather uneasy when thinking about it for to long More so when thinking upon the full comprehension and gravity of Christs words in fully evaluating Jesus words (Come Follow Me)

Hello Prim90;

I once witnessed a wedding where the bride wanted a moment to go up, kneel down and pray to the statue of Mary while touching her feet.

Money. I've seen people have their money and coins stacked (bills, silver and gold) and count them. Their eyes are mesmerized at their money.

I've known people that loved their vintage cars and put so much investment in a rare part and forget the more important thing.

If you're uneasy thinking about it too long, this can be a good thing, Prim90.

When we don't gravitate more toward Jesus (Come Follow Me), we can become distracted and embrace an idol without even knowing it.

God bless you, sister.
Yes, I believe so crossnote, some people end up praying to the statue.
Then they pray to the saints, instead of God, and even worship them.

We are also in danger of making people into idols e.g. pop idol.
Some have said the heart is an idol factory going on with...It is manifested when getting what you want has become more important than what God desires for you. Simply put anything that you are loving, desiring, or serving more than God is an idol of the heart.

Would this fit the statue imagery?
Yes it would

When I was sat with someone who was dying, she was going frantic for a small statue that belonged to her. No mention of God. She broke my heart.
Crossnote an idol can be almost anything. Something you worship or put more before the God. Be that an object like praying to Mary or the Saints. But It could also just as easily be your partner it could be your family your home or your financial security. I get rather uneasy when thinking about it for to long More so when thinking upon the full comprehension and gravity of Christs words in fully evaluating Jesus words ( Come Follow Me )
pretty much nailed what is a idol anything that keeps you from God and i mean anything a person doing ministry work if not seeking the Lord the ministry can become a idol Jesus family Church if not careful we can get it backwards Church Jesus family
Hello Prim90;

I once witnessed a wedding where the bride wanted a moment to go up, kneel down and pray to the statue of Mary while touching her feet.

Money. I've seen people have their money and coins stacked (bills, silver and gold) and count them. Their eyes are mesmerized at their money.

I've known people that loved their vintage cars and put so much investment in a rare part and forget the more important thing.

If you're uneasy thinking about it too long, this can be a good thing, Prim90.

When we don't gravitate more toward Jesus (Come Follow Me), we can become distracted and embrace an idol without even knowing it.

God bless you, sister.
Bob a bride praying to the Virgin Mary at her wedding. Some funny : ) I wonder what she was praying about. I’m sure the groom was much impressed or maybe more perplexed. As to money. Well the love of money is well attested to and the many material things you mention. They do fill the void for awhile but never enough to fill the void of a desperate hungry heart that Gods essence and love can only fill fully. Why not gravitate more fully to Jesus when considering the ( come follow me command ) you ask. God can only increase our faith in trusting him more fully I guess and not within other things of this world and nor within ourselves . The long war with God does continue daily. Having the faith of a mustard seed be much sought after for me I guess ❤️