What is the message of John 8:59

Hi everyone, must be one of my favourite verses:
John 8:59At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.

Now, even Yeshua had to hide himself since obviously it wasn’t His time yet.

So, my question is should we sometimes hide things in our lives especially if we are unjustly persecuted. It happens even today in so called civilised countries, it can and sometimes does happen. Is that a form of lying? Are there times that lying is justified?
Let’s say undercover police, is that justified? Sometimes undercover police save lives literally by lying. What about the story of a good prostitute who in the Tanakh story hid Israeli spies?
Would you tell the truth even if that would mean that innocent life or lives would be lost?

Or what about when John the Baptist baptised some Roman soldiers, he didn’t tell them quit work, etc, etc. He told the to not take more than what they are supposed to. He told them to do their best.

Anyway, this is very important to me. I would really like to know your opinion!

Love and Thanks
Well, in the previous verse, 58, Jesus (Yeshua) basically states that He is part of the Godhead, referring to Himself as "I am". This was stating the truth to them, and they could not handle the truth. Chaos breaks out as they start searching for stones and jockey for position to cast there stones at Him. While the crowd is in this chaotic frenzy, Jesus probably pulls His hood or other piece of garment up over His head and weaves His way through the mob of people. Is this "lying" by hiding His whereabouts from them? Their desire was to kill Him or at a minimum harm Him, so to stop them from committing violence on the temple grounds. That they could not find Him was not Jesus' fault. It isn't a sin to hide from people who want to harm you.
Sometimes you have to consider your audience. Some cannot handle all the information, as it could be confusing or too much to make sense of, somewhat like how children are not given all the information on certain topics since it would be inappropriate to teach them subjects which could harm their personal growth. So, this would be a consideration as to how much truth should be stated at any given point.
Just some thoughts on your post.
Be blessed.
Well, in the previous verse, 58, Jesus (Yeshua) basically states that He is part of the Godhead, referring to Himself as "I am". This was stating the truth to them, and they could not handle the truth. Chaos breaks out as they start searching for stones and jockey for position to cast there stones at Him. While the crowd is in this chaotic frenzy, Jesus probably pulls His hood or other piece of garment up over His head and weaves His way through the mob of people. Is this "lying" by hiding His whereabouts from them? Their desire was to kill Him or at a minimum harm Him, so to stop them from committing violence on the temple grounds. That they could not find Him was not Jesus' fault. It isn't a sin to hide from people who want to harm you.
Sometimes you have to consider your audience. Some cannot handle all the information, as it could be confusing or too much to make sense of, somewhat like how children are not given all the information on certain topics since it would be inappropriate to teach them subjects which could harm their personal growth. So, this would be a consideration as to how much truth should be stated at any given point.
Just some thoughts on your post.
Be blessed.
I think intent plays a role. Selfish intent deception is the basis of fraud. Selfless deception, such as concealing Jews and lying to the Gestapo to save the Jews' lives, is not a sin. One involves violating the theft prohibition; the other involves the application of mercy to serve God's purposes in protecting His people.

Read 1 Kings 22:19-23 to see an instance of how God applied deception to work his purpose.