What You Think

Bob Wille (Family)

Passed on, November 6, 2022
But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night.
They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.
Psalm 1:1-3

You are what you think.
If you choose to absorb more and more of God’s truth
by studying, knowing and living by His Word,
it becomes what you think –
which determines how you live
and who you are.

[Life Truths Bible Study]
This is so true. And while I'm not saying that reading the Bible is not important, we are lucky today because we can easily listen to the Bible. I first bought the Bible on audio cassettes 30 yrs ago. I made use of them but the man who recorded them read too quickly. Nowadays I listen to the Bible using Biblegateway.com which is great because they have about 10 different English versions to chose from. Sometimes I just put the Bible on to fill the air with the Word of God. I do this to meditate on the Word.
The audio bible. Thanks for bringing that to mind. As I age (which I definitely have!)
and noticing that my speed in reading has been decreasing, then this would be a great alternative.
It's also free, and you don't even have to register with the site to listen to the Bible. I also would have never thought I'd like listening to a dramatized version of the Bible but I was wrong. Especially with some of the OT books when reading them it's easy to get confused and not know who is saying what. The dramatized versions solve this by using a different person read the different parts. And often when it's God speaking you know it because they really amplify the voice. I also found the book of Acts to be much better when dramatized. Speaking of Acts, do you know there is a full length movie on You Tube that's based on Acts where every word spoken is from the NIV Bible. It even has James Brolin in it as Peter.
Today's young people have no excuse for being ignorant of the Word. It's not like it was when we were young. 😉