Anything that occupies our minds and distracts us from God is an idol.
When God comes into the temple of our minds and starts rearranging,
and He is a Gentleman about it, begins implying to us that it is time to let
go of 'that thing' how do I behave?
Me personally, in the past, got very angry. I blamed others and God for
taking something that gave me pleasure. Something like, "one thing that
gives me some enjoyment in this life and You take it from me!"
It's easy to see the example illustrated in Scripture of Baal being destroyed
or torn down and think something like, "oh yeah, I would have done the
same thing". But when it comes time to give up a job when we are career-
minded workaholics or reducing a three glass wine to one we see that
standing up to our idols is not as easy as we might think.
What does this post evoke in your heart as you weigh your experience with
battling idols in your life?
When God comes into the temple of our minds and starts rearranging,
and He is a Gentleman about it, begins implying to us that it is time to let
go of 'that thing' how do I behave?
Me personally, in the past, got very angry. I blamed others and God for
taking something that gave me pleasure. Something like, "one thing that
gives me some enjoyment in this life and You take it from me!"
It's easy to see the example illustrated in Scripture of Baal being destroyed
or torn down and think something like, "oh yeah, I would have done the
same thing". But when it comes time to give up a job when we are career-
minded workaholics or reducing a three glass wine to one we see that
standing up to our idols is not as easy as we might think.
What does this post evoke in your heart as you weigh your experience with
battling idols in your life?