What criteria do we use to decipher if the Bible is dealing in metaphor or if it should taken literally?
This is a rather involved inquiry, and I hope those who participate in this discussion find it helpful.
I was recently presented the following challenge:
Explain how you can determine what is a real event with real people from that which is fictional in Scripture.
To begin answering this question, let us look at a specific example, the creation narrative(s) found in Genesis.
Does it make more sense to believe in a talking, walking snake, or is does it make more sense to conclude that the snake is a metaphor? Does it make more sense to believe that man was made from the dust (or clay) of the earth while woman was made from man's rib, or does it make more sense to conclude that we are dealing with metaphor? I say the latter option is clearly the more reasonable one.
To take Genesis 1 as literal, historical fact is to adopt a position with many difficulties. Indeed, a literal reading of Gen. 1 and 2 results in contradictions that cannot be resolved, e.g. which came first, plants or man?
There is a lot to unpack and discuss here, and I welcome feedback. Blessings.
This is a rather involved inquiry, and I hope those who participate in this discussion find it helpful.
I was recently presented the following challenge:
Explain how you can determine what is a real event with real people from that which is fictional in Scripture.
To begin answering this question, let us look at a specific example, the creation narrative(s) found in Genesis.
Does it make more sense to believe in a talking, walking snake, or is does it make more sense to conclude that the snake is a metaphor? Does it make more sense to believe that man was made from the dust (or clay) of the earth while woman was made from man's rib, or does it make more sense to conclude that we are dealing with metaphor? I say the latter option is clearly the more reasonable one.
To take Genesis 1 as literal, historical fact is to adopt a position with many difficulties. Indeed, a literal reading of Gen. 1 and 2 results in contradictions that cannot be resolved, e.g. which came first, plants or man?
There is a lot to unpack and discuss here, and I welcome feedback. Blessings.