5/22/11: I was praying this afternoon, and I was thinking about the busyness of our lives and how we can get so busy with all of life's activities that Jesus often takes a back seat or is forgotten altogether from our lives. The Lord inspired me to write a song about all the things in our lives, which begs to ask the question, "Where is Jesus?" It is not assuming he is not there, but the questions posed are for us to examine our lives to see if he is there involved with us in all of our activities, and if we are involved with his will for our lives while we are engaged in all our busyness. Or, are we involved in activities which would not be pleasing to him? Or, is Jesus taking a back seat in our lives, or is he forgotten altogether?
Where is Jesus? / An Original Work / May 22, 2011
Fishing, swimming, boating, sailing,
Driving, hiking, camping, trailing,
Bowling, golfing, TV watching,
Videos, movies and talking –
Where is Jesus found?
Friends and Facebook chat and email,
Internet, blogs, news sites, retail,
Magazines, books, sports and music,
Laptops, I-Pads, smart phones, texting –
Where is Jesus now?
Jobs, careers, and data bases,
Business, money, many faces,
Get ahead of everyone who’s
Competition; always running –
Where does Jesus fit?
"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does." ~ James 1:22-25
Where is Jesus? / An Original Work / May 22, 2011
Fishing, swimming, boating, sailing,
Driving, hiking, camping, trailing,
Bowling, golfing, TV watching,
Videos, movies and talking –
Where is Jesus found?
Friends and Facebook chat and email,
Internet, blogs, news sites, retail,
Magazines, books, sports and music,
Laptops, I-Pads, smart phones, texting –
Where is Jesus now?
Jobs, careers, and data bases,
Business, money, many faces,
Get ahead of everyone who’s
Competition; always running –
Where does Jesus fit?