Who else is really confused about Gen. 6:4 (Sons of God & Nephilim's????)

I just ran across this verse and have spent most of the day reading and watching YT videos on who were the Sons of God along with who were the Nephilims??

Quite frankly, this verse has really shook me and I am no better off with an understanding on it even though I have spent the day trying to understand it.

I have read the Sons of God are either fallen angels who had sex with human females which produced Nephilim's who were giants.

If so, why dont we still have them? Even if they died in the flood, there is no short supply of fallen angels, so why would'nt they continue to do what they have done?


They were the descendants of Adam.

Either scenario does not make a lick of sense.
I believe William Branham lays it out and it makes perfect sense. But it is not according to traditional theology. So take your pick. But for sure they are not angelic beings. Angelic being are of a higher order than our current fallen condition and not the least bit interested in what drives us.