Hello there,
I just want to share the wondrous fact that my morning's reading of the Word of God has resulted, as it always should do, with praise and worship in my spirit unto God, by His Holy Spirit, Whose Word it is.
Praise His Name!
I have started reading Hosea, for in wishing to read the book of Revelation, I realised that I needed to read the word of God given through the minor prophets, in order to properly understand the imagery contained in that book.
Reading, I am aware, that at my present rate of progress I may never get to read the book of Revelation, but the journey there is strewn with such blessing that it really does not matter. For the resulting praise and worship as I progress in grateful acceptance of what God (the Holy Spirit) gives, glorifies Him and gladdens His Blessed Heart. For He is my 'Daddy': in and through Christ Jesus, my living and glorified Lord, and delights to give.
Praise God with me, and be glad for me, for we are members one of another in Him, Who loved us, and gave Himself for us.
With love in Christ Jesus
(from a sunny spring day in Wales, in the UK)
"Your turn I think"
I just want to share the wondrous fact that my morning's reading of the Word of God has resulted, as it always should do, with praise and worship in my spirit unto God, by His Holy Spirit, Whose Word it is.
Praise His Name!
I have started reading Hosea, for in wishing to read the book of Revelation, I realised that I needed to read the word of God given through the minor prophets, in order to properly understand the imagery contained in that book.
Reading, I am aware, that at my present rate of progress I may never get to read the book of Revelation, but the journey there is strewn with such blessing that it really does not matter. For the resulting praise and worship as I progress in grateful acceptance of what God (the Holy Spirit) gives, glorifies Him and gladdens His Blessed Heart. For He is my 'Daddy': in and through Christ Jesus, my living and glorified Lord, and delights to give.
Praise God with me, and be glad for me, for we are members one of another in Him, Who loved us, and gave Himself for us.
With love in Christ Jesus
(from a sunny spring day in Wales, in the UK)
"Your turn I think"

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