We trust God for the following reasons:1) He is meek and humble, and made the ultimate, and most painful and humiliating sacrifice on the cross to bring us eternal life, although we betrayed him through our sins. 2) He healed the broken hearted, forgave sinners and those who were killing Him without condemning them. 3) He fed the hungry and healed the sick. 4) In the beauty and harmony of His creation we see an infinitely intelligent and loving God. 5) He made us like Him by giving us the ability to unconditionally love others and be creative.
Sometimes, we doubt Him when we see pain, suffering and injustice. However, God had to allow pain and suffering, which is the result of sin in the world, because He gave us a free will so that we can choose love and have peace and joy for all eternity. The suffering of this world will be nothing compared to heaven for all eternity. Furthermore, He took the suffering of all of us on the cross so that we will repent for our sins and have eternal life. Sometimes our prayers appear to go unanswered. God however always does what is best for us in the long run, although it is not apparent to us immediately.
We trust God for the following reasons:1) He is meek and humble, and made the ultimate, and most painful and humiliating sacrifice on the cross to bring us eternal life, although we betrayed him through our sins. 2) He healed the broken hearted, forgave sinners and those who were killing Him without condemning them. 3) He fed the hungry and healed the sick. 4) In the beauty and harmony of His creation we see an infinitely intelligent and loving God. 5) He made us like Him by giving us the ability to unconditionally love others and be creative.
Sometimes, we doubt Him when we see pain, suffering and injustice. However, God had to allow pain and suffering, which is the result of sin in the world, because He gave us a free will so that we can choose love and have peace and joy for all eternity. The suffering of this world will be nothing compared to heaven for all eternity. Furthermore, He took the suffering of all of us on the cross so that we will repent for our sins and have eternal life. Sometimes our prayers appear to go unanswered. God however always does what is best for us in the long run, although it is not apparent to us immediately.

Good question. My 1st thought is that is anyone is reading this then...........

You are alive. Right NOW! This means that God has provided for you and given you what you needed your entire life until now. His track record is flawless. You wouldn’t be where you are right now if it wasn’t for God’s loving care for your life.

Since Gos can not lie.....you can count on Him all the time.

Unlike all of us, God is consistant all the time.

God knows us better that we know ourselves and in spite of that He still loves us.

WHY? Now when anyone can answer that question, you will qualify for your own TV Talk show!
Each person is given a measure of faith and that is given to believe in Him.
We were created for HIS good pleasure to worship him.
Knowing he is infallible, consistent, loving and forgiving gives us the strength to TRUST in the unseen.

The above postings are great and on point.

God will NOT make you SERVE or worship however he has proven his love by sending his son to pay OUR SIN DEBT for those whom will freely allow him to abide within us. We could not pay it for ourselves and sin SEPERATES from God

We have the added bonus of understanding that with Salvation we have the fullness of God not only in the Father,Jesus the Son but also the Holy Spirit which will bear his FRUIT in and through us.
We give correction and discipline to our children not out of meanness nor hatred but to teach them how to be good citizens. He gives us his Spirit to teach us how to trust, understand,give love and prepare to be citizens of heaven.

We can choose to believe in God and His Word, or we can reject Him.

God Himself said in Numbers 23:19:

“God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should repent;
Has He said, and will He not do it?
Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?"
