

Why do we have to pray
Why talk to God when He already knows?
Is being omnipotent boring
‘Cos nothing is new to Him?
He knows I love Him
‘Cos I told Him just yesterday
He has already promised to provide my needs
Why waste my breath?

Then my grand daughter came bouncing in
And to my delight
She threw her arms around me
As she did every time we meet
Then that hug, I’ve been longing for
kissed me on the cheek
whispered in my ear
“Love you ‘gramps”
That’s her special name just for me
She then, as the little chatter box she is,
Told me about her day,
Then thanked me for cooking her tea
“And only six chips” that’s a joke, just between her and me
We sat and chilled out
Her relaxed snuggling safe in my arms…
Time for bed
and just before she fell asleep
Not stopped chatting
Went through her day again…
Then she said “ thank you for being my grandpa, thank you for being there for me”!
I Tried Hard not to have a tear!

I woke up in a cold sweat
Realising what I said to God yesterday

I knew exactly what my granddaughter had done
But took delight in listening while she’s sharing her day
I’ve already bought the toy giraffe she asked for knowing that I could not resist her pleas…

Jesus said “ let the little ones come into me”
I guessed I over thought it and want just one thing
Not to loose sight of that child like faith when first I believed
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Why? Why do we have to pray Why talk to God when He already knows?
Is being omnipotent boring ‘Cos nothing is new to Him?

Hello Alan;

I've asked the same question. I believe it's because God wants to commune with us. Even though He knows all we do and say for and to Him, it makes our God glad.

Why? reminds me of my 7 year old niece. I'm not her Grandfather but her uncle. When she sees me I'm always teasing her and she teases me back. She loves to argue with me, not out of respect but jokingly. We're bonding.

She feels secure, protected and loved by everyone in our family but I am also blessed because I feel the love from her as well.

God bless you, Alan, and thank you for sharing Why?
Hey Alan, how old is she?

I have a granddaughter too, and she is 6.

She's a little monkey! She made me an ice cream today out of her ice cream set and when I asked her how much, she said £10... so we haggled and I finally managed to get it down to £6.50

I have never haggled in all of my life LOL

Hope your many days are spent enjoying your families!

God Bless
Hey Alan, how old is she?

I have a granddaughter too, and she is 6.

She's a little monkey! She made me an ice cream today out of her ice cream set and when I asked her how much, she said £10... so we haggled and I finally managed to get it down to £6.50

I have never haggled in all of my life LOL

Hope your many days are spent enjoying your families!

God Bless
I have two beautiful granddaughters 9 and 6 this is a reflection of both of them
Made even more special as I never had the privilege of a daughter
Even at their ages I see Jesus in them