Will I be damned to hell if I live with my boyfriend?

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I've been talking to my friend who's also a Christian and she says God doesn't approve of me living with my bf.

She hears well from God and says...
God is warning her to warn me.

She said she saw hellfire...if I went .

And that I'll lose God if I go.

I live my boyfriend...I really want to be with him. If I can't be with him then I don't want to be with anyone else. He's so sweet and sincere...

Please help me with this.
If you live like your brother and sister... no issues. If you live like husband and wife (with all of the unmentioned activities) then you open the door for the enemy to mess with you and harass you because your in sin and out of God's will.

God's not leaving you because you choose to live with your bf. But you would be choosing a path that is not right in His eyes. You will not go to hell, but you will have more problems here on earth. If we choose to go against God's Will/Word your basically not submitting to Him, and He cannot protect you from the enemy because your on the side of the enemy, by submitting to his ways.
If you live like your brother and sister... no issues. If you live like husband and wife (with all of the unmentioned activities) then you open the door for the enemy to mess with you and harass you because your in sin and out of God's will.

God's not leaving you because you choose to live with your bf. But you would be choosing a path that is not right in His eyes. You will not go to hell, but you will have more problems here on earth. If we choose to go against God's Will/Word your basically not submitting to Him, and He cannot protect you from the enemy because your on the side of the enemy, by submitting to his ways.
My friend said she saw hellfire for me..I was walking straight into hell.

When I made a post on another site,a Christian one, she. Said felt the Holy Spirit in her being angered because I chose to live with my boyfriend.
My friend said she saw hellfire for me..I was walking straight into hell.

When I made a post on another site,a Christian one, she. Said felt the Holy Spirit in her being angered because I chose to live with my boyfriend.

It's not gonna make Him happy... but will make him sad and disappointed but it will not take His love from you and it will not send you to hell.

However if you stray from the Word and from your faith in God... it can cause you to go in the wrong direction, and if you end up adopting the beliefs of your bf... you could end up walking away from God. And if you never turn your life back around who knows
If you live like your brother and sister... no issues. If you live like husband and wife (with all of the unmentioned activities) then you open the door for the enemy to mess with you and harass you because your in sin and out of God's will.

God's not leaving you because you choose to live with your bf. But you would be choosing a path that is not right in His eyes. You will not go to hell, but you will have more problems here on earth. If we choose to go against God's Will/Word your basically not submitting to Him, and He cannot protect you from the enemy because your on the side of the enemy, by submitting to his ways.

You would be trading your faith and obedience to Gods ways for the ability to satisfy your flesh. And thats not going to being honor to Him. When we choose to disobey Gods laws ... there is always consequences brought on by the choosing the devils ways instead of submitting to God's ways.
Uh, why are you living with your boyfriend. Would he be homeless if he didnt live with you. I dont get it. If he wants to live with you why hasnt he asked you to marry him if you the only one for him. If not then its only a temporary arrangement. So if he moved out would you be sad. Theres nothing to say he wont move out when things change, its not like you are family or anything, or engaged.

Or am I wrong,what is the real story behind this? What do your parents say are the ok with it? Are you actually in communication with God and asked Him about it?
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If you not having intercourse and living like brother and sister, its fine, I guess, but...I think your friend is trying to warn you.
However I dont know what kind of living arrangement this is. Are you actually living with him now or not. Your post is a bit confusing. Why are you not living with your family, your parents or your friend thats a christian. Is your boyfriend a christian?

I can tell you living with unbelievers is not easy. Living with my own brother who is an unbeliever was hell! He made me pay a third of the rates, even though he was earning ten times more than me. I couldnt park in the garage because all his junk was there. I had to take my washing home to dry as there wasnt enough room on the line, and when I offered to buy a new clothesline he refused. Ugh. He was controlling about every little thing. Dont do it.
A little fundamental analysis is necessary here.

Romans 6:22 sums up and encapsulates the consequences of sin.

Men, in general, are condemned to Hell by their own sin, but the sacrifice of Christ overcomes that effect of sin and confers eternal life to each who accepts His sacrifice (which implies agreeing with God that one is sinful).

In this instance, there is no mention of the size of the sin. Telling someone a small lie ( "I can't see you because I have to wash my hair" ) carries the same penalty as taking the life of another in anger.

In the Old Testament, the blood of the sacrificial lamb was sprinkled on the Ark of the Covenant to signify the blood sacrifice covering the sin of the people. The sin of the believer is covered by the blood of Christ (this is what the original blood sacrifices symbolized).

There is no distinction between what we look at as a small sin and what we would think a great sin.

So there is no condemnation awaiting the believer at the Judgement Seat. Whatever the sin.

But, all sin, from the smallest 'white' lie to the greatest sin affects the believer's growth in Christ. The more one tells himself it does not matter, the more detrimental it is to the spiritual life of the believer.

So there are two wrong ways of dealing with sin in our own lives. The first wrong way is to think it makes us irretrievably evil.
The other wrong way is to think it does not matter.

For another way of looking at it, believers strive to please God out of gratitude for what He has done rather than out of fear of retribution.
Thats true, sometimes people want to explain sin away by saying well thats between them and GOd. BUt God has given us His Word and its the same for everyone. We worship the same God, and He doesnt say well you can go on sinning cos your extra special but everyone else must abide in me.

Well, He doesnt say that to me. Besides, you can ask Him yourself.

Jesus met a samaritan woman at the well and asked her where her husband was. She said I dont have a husband, and Jesus said thats true youve had five and the one you are livng with now is not your husband. JEsus had never met her before....

So its not as if God doesnt know! But listen to what Jesus said to this woman. YE worship what ye know not: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. but the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seekth such to worship Him.
God is a spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Question for autumn oddity. Are you worshipping the Father in spirit and in truth?

When Jesus says men are condemned, its because they dont believe him. They dont believe Jesus tells the truth, and they dont believe Jesus can save them from sin. Therefore, they just go on sinning as if it doesnt matter. But it matters to God! You can serve God with righteousness or you can serve satan with sin. Its one or the other you cant serve both.
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Worried if a sin will send you to hell.
Sounds like a fire insurance type of relationship.

I am more concerned with why one would want to risk salvation and God's Love and Mercy which will run out one day for temporary flesh gradafication?

To go against what He has commanded us to NOT DO because we just got to have it opens the door to the enemy and God can't stop it until a Genuine Remorseful and Repentance is manifested.

So tragedies and sickness and strife and stress and panic and more do abound.

Any so called fleshly happiness will come to an end no matter how good it seems at first.

I would think a better question is.....
How can I get back in the Will of God?
I cannot think of anyone that lived with their boyfriend who had an easy time of it. Most of the time, I hear of all the complaints they have. Usually over money, or he wont do this or that. Or ESPECIALLY when the money runs out.
A workmate of mine, who lives with her parents and her boyfriend, got a wake up call when the dog went through her garbage and strew it all through the house. It had stuff she dont want her parents to see.

She said to me, am so embarassed. I said, what your parents dont know what you doing together? I thought you said they were pretty chill. Besides, you only doing what your parents did. She told me later shes not sleeping with him anymore. Well good, because theres nothing more annoying than somone snoring and taking up your room if they can afford their own.
The things is for most women if they live with their boyfriend basically the boyfriend just gets a free maid. Or thinks he does. Then he gets all uppity when the free maid doesnt do unpaid housework.

I dont like to say it but it true, that would not happen in a christian marriage where the husband honors the wife and the wife reverences her husband.
Galatians 6:7-8
7. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
8. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
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