You see,(rose tinted glasses?)

Rose tinted glasses?

You see

noisy disruptive children
Disturbing the service,

I see,

“Let the children Come unto me”

You see

‘not that old hymn again’ it’s like a funeral dirge,

I see

old truths,! but me, I’m singing a new song

You see

everyone filling the back row first sitting in the same old seats

I see

souls on pews in the house of God
praying for the empty seats needed to be filled with new souls

You see

Fare trade coffee again
No cream biscuits someone’s eaten my favourite one

I see

family relaxed with enjoying each other in the house of God

You see

embarrassed people passing the collection plate

I see

Gods store house being filled
P.s God can do his work with out the collect ion
It’s just a chance for his children to give thanks

You see

chaos a disgruntled
Moan judgmental church

I see

family, can’t choose your family,
Stop moaning,
Or go sit in on the naughty step!

You see

no future, what’s the point

I see

God looking down at His church, His creation
And saw it was good!