Maybe it's just me... but it seems like we Christians have hyper-spiritualized the idea of "Serving God"... God is opening my eyes to this in new ways....
This is really striking me as I understand more in the Old Testament.... For example.. What was Samson's "Service to God" (such as 400 phillistines with the jawbone of an ass...) ... What was God commanding King Saul to provide as his "service to God" and compare this against Saul equated with "Sacred" (Sacrifice, making vows, and tabernacle things) and what Saul equated with "Profane" (Leading Israel, administering the National Business, going to war, etc.)...
For example.... How often have you heard "Wood hay stubble vs Gold, silver, and precious stones" spoken in the sense of what sort of things you did - where the clear message is that "Church" things are the "Gold, silver, and precious stones" - and the "Secular" things are the "Wood, hay, and stubble".....
But... The ENTIRE EARTH is God's and all that is in it... If the Old Testament teaches us anything - it's that the typical things we associate with "Secular" or "Profane" are in no ways outside of God's purposes....
That means you just simply doing your job as if it was God's thing for you to do for Him IS VALID as bona-fide Service to God... See, I think as Christians - we often ignore that the "Secular" world is not outside of God's purposes.... For example - if you run your business well and succeed - you can provide JOBS which provide significant BLESSING to brothers and sisters in Christ... Perhaps God is giving you that success so that you can provide a "Soft landing" to a fellow Christian who is loosing his job to a layoff... and it's the same when we are the Employee.. If we viewed our day job as an employee as our service to God and not simply a profane/secular act that pays the bills - what would we do? Would we maybe care about the place's success and failure? Would we try to prevent our bosses from doing damaging things that would sabotage the business?
Martin Luther spoke in detail about this sort of thing... That your service to God is not the shoemaker drawing crosses on his shoes - but rather the shoemaker simply making good shoes that would provide blessing those who wore them....
This is really striking me as I understand more in the Old Testament.... For example.. What was Samson's "Service to God" (such as 400 phillistines with the jawbone of an ass...) ... What was God commanding King Saul to provide as his "service to God" and compare this against Saul equated with "Sacred" (Sacrifice, making vows, and tabernacle things) and what Saul equated with "Profane" (Leading Israel, administering the National Business, going to war, etc.)...
For example.... How often have you heard "Wood hay stubble vs Gold, silver, and precious stones" spoken in the sense of what sort of things you did - where the clear message is that "Church" things are the "Gold, silver, and precious stones" - and the "Secular" things are the "Wood, hay, and stubble".....
But... The ENTIRE EARTH is God's and all that is in it... If the Old Testament teaches us anything - it's that the typical things we associate with "Secular" or "Profane" are in no ways outside of God's purposes....
That means you just simply doing your job as if it was God's thing for you to do for Him IS VALID as bona-fide Service to God... See, I think as Christians - we often ignore that the "Secular" world is not outside of God's purposes.... For example - if you run your business well and succeed - you can provide JOBS which provide significant BLESSING to brothers and sisters in Christ... Perhaps God is giving you that success so that you can provide a "Soft landing" to a fellow Christian who is loosing his job to a layoff... and it's the same when we are the Employee.. If we viewed our day job as an employee as our service to God and not simply a profane/secular act that pays the bills - what would we do? Would we maybe care about the place's success and failure? Would we try to prevent our bosses from doing damaging things that would sabotage the business?
Martin Luther spoke in detail about this sort of thing... That your service to God is not the shoemaker drawing crosses on his shoes - but rather the shoemaker simply making good shoes that would provide blessing those who wore them....