Archive THE BIBLE - Verse by Verse (Ruth Chapter 1 to 4)

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Ruth 1:21 (NLT)
I went away full, but the Lord has brought me home empty. Why call me Naomi when the LORD has caused me to suffer . And the Almighty has sent such tragedy upon me?"
Ruth 1:22 (NLT)
So Naomi returned from Moab, accompanied by her daughter-in-law Ruth, the young Moabite woman. They arrived in Bethlehem in late spring, at the beginning of the barley harvest .
Ruth 2:1 (NLT)
Now there was a wealthy and influential man in Bethlehem named Boaz, who was a relative of Naomi's husband, Elimelech.
Ruth 2:2 (NLT)
One day Ruth the Moabite said to Naomi, "Let me go out into the harvest fields to pick up stalks of grain left behind by anyone who is kind enough to do it."
Naomi replied, "All right, my daughter, go ahead."
Ruth 2:4 (NLT)
While she was there Boaz arrived from Bethlehem and greeted the harvesters.
"The LORD be with you," he said.
"The Lord bless you!" The harvesters replied.
Ruth 2:8 (NLT)

8 Boaz went over and said to Ruth, “Listen, my daughter. Stay right here with us when you gather grain; don’t go to any other fields. Stay right behind the young women working in my field.
Ruth 2:9 (NLT)

9 See which part of the field they are harvesting, and then follow them. I have warned the young men not to treat you roughly. And when you are thirsty, help yourself to the water they have drawn from the well.”
Ruth 2:11 (NLT)

11 “Yes, I know,” Boaz replied. “But I also know about everything you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband. I have heard how you left your father and mother and your own land to live here among complete strangers.
Ruth 2:14 (NLT)

14 At mealtime Boaz called to her, “Come over here, and help yourself to some food. You can dip your bread in the sour wine.” So she sat with his harvesters, and Boaz gave her some roasted grain to eat. She ate all she wanted and still had some left over.
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