The Lord is at Work

One can call this into question, which is fine, but the bottom line is this...whether this video shows a true testimony from a genuine leader of Isis or not, and even if one is a cessationits or not, the Lord has and will do whatsoever He wills given that He is our Sovereign Lord who is not bound by man-made doctrines.

I personally have seen the Lord at work in lives that is beyond any human means, and I will not be one to dare try to stand in the Lord's way and say, "Wait a minute! You can't do that! That violates my cessationistic views, and therefore offends me!"

Oh, and for those who might be curious, I'm neither a cessationist nor and continuationalist. There are those who might say that I MUST pick a side, but I simply don't ride along on either bandwagon because we are supposed to always recognize that bend our knee to His Sovereignty. He never does what is contrary to His written word. THAT is my position!
