Dreams and visions

Dreams and visions

Am I of that age
Between dreams and visions?
Just because
I’m sixty twelve
Do I stop having visions?
Do I have to content my self with dreams
Dreams of what could happen,
Can I just sit back and dream of
what could be
Wishing if only…
Can I still be infected
Enthused by visions?
Age is only a number
And I am beginning to wonder
If Visions are not just for the young
But for those
who have the ear of God
And listen?
And dreams for those who have got weary, slouched down
Loss their mojo and can’t be bothered?
Unless your the same age of Moses was not to mention Noah
You’re here for a time like this
Is that a dream or a vision?

Where there is no vision, the people perish:

Proverbs 29:18
Th Dreams be many mostly good sometimes bad . Dreams can sometimes be prophetic of your future sometimes as warnings. I think they best kept personal and not made so public. It not be a light thing nor matter to claim anything in the name of the Lord. The prophets be subject to scripture