Quiet Time With The Lord!

  • In what area will you ask God for direction today?
  • Have you noticed that your day goes differently if you start it in the Word and in a quiet time with God?
Our sense of wonder is strongest when we are children and the whole world is new. As we grow older, we become world-weary. We look without seeing and listen without hearing. I ask the Holy Spirit to make me sensitive to God’s self-revelation in the everyday events of my life.
Our sense of wonder is strongest when we are children and the whole world is new. As we grow older, we become world-weary. We look without seeing and listen without hearing. I ask the Holy Spirit to make me sensitive to God’s self-revelation in the everyday events of my life.

Chris, my biggest problem is ME. I ask the Lord every day to get ME out of the way so that He can be seen in me and not me.