Ha-ha! You'll Love This News Article

Years ago, I heard some foofaraw* about a telephone operator who didn't know New Mexico was in the United States.

* Yep -- it's a word. I hadn't heard of it before and decided to use it instead of kerfuffle or falderal. :D
An old friend, now gone, once told me that she called operator assistance for a phone number in a small town in Washington State -- Yakima. For those who are not familiar with WA's interesting town/city names, this is pronounced "YACK - a - mah." So she asked for the number, and the operator retorted, "That's pronounced "yah - KEY - muh." My friend answered, "That's odd. I lived there over thirty years and did not know that!"

Here's another town's name in that state: Sequim. Pronounced "squim."
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