
I just view it the way I have always viewed it (lol):

The forty days of Lent symbolize many things in the Bible: the 40 years the Hebrews spent in the desert, the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert, the 40 days Noah and his family spent--40 is the number of purification. All bad things pass away in this time of fasting (as Jesus did in the desert) and it is a special time of purification for yourself as well. In denying ourselves of things that stand between God and us, it will help us focus on God more and focus on His grace to help us through this time "in the desert" ourselves. The point of Lent is to prepare us to receive Jesus, the Risen Lord, into our hearts, and to prepare us for this climax of joy in the Christian year. For we cannot fast when the Bridegroom is with us. ;)
Great post, ECC! :)

:pray: My prayer for CFS:

Today is Holy Thursday, our memorial and celebration of the Last Supper. This begins the Triduum- the commemoration of Jesus's last week in Jerusalem. These are the holiest days of the year, and a great gift to the Church. I pray the the Holy Spirit will continue to renew our hearts and lead all Christians to conversion and greater understanding of how we are to live the Gospel- in strong faith, hope and love.


Great post, ECC! :)

:pray: My prayer for CFS:

Today is Holy Thursday, our memorial and celebration of the Last Supper. This begins the Triduum- the commemoration of Jesus's last week in Jerusalem. These are the holiest days of the year, and a great gift to the Church. I pray the the Holy Spirit will continue to renew our hearts and lead all Christians to conversion and greater understanding of how we are to live the Gospel- in strong faith, hope and love.


Amen indeed! :D