
  1. S

    Am I a Christian now / Am I Christ's disciple now ??

    Hey, everyone I'm Subh from India and recently I've given my heart,mind and soul to jesus on 25th December despite of having a hindu family . All my family members are Hindu but I'm not on 25th I've terminated my faith from Hinduism from my heart and put my faith to Christianity . My parents are...
  2. Melizza

    Christian Slang: Ok or not?

    I was wondering what ya'll views are on with some churches or believers sometimes using "church slang", or "church jargon", or however you want to call it when it's said or mentioned in the church? when is it ok? or, is it not? are you ok with it? For example, I heard someone say once: "I was...
  3. Loon Watchman

    Everything we need!

  4. jeremiah7


    I usually record my daily audio messages on a recorder and then transfer it to my laptop for editing and mixing. Recently I recorded an audio message with perseverance as the theme and accidentally deleted it while transferring it from my recorder to my laptop. I wondered for a while as to what...
  5. Loon Watchman

    Crossroads and Grace

    It has been said that love is a CHOICE we make. And in many ways, so is HOLINESS. Yes, Jesus did the most important part (on the Cross) — and the Holy Spirit lives in us (If we are born again - John 1:12,13) and empowers us — but He did not make us ROBOTS who always do the right thing, no matter...
  6. Loon Watchman

    Visual meditation on the Blood of Jesus...

    Here's a short video I made about the Blood of Jesus. Hope it blesses you.
  7. Loon Watchman

    Prayer and the power of intimacy!

    We only have what we receive from Him, as we spend time delighting in His Presence. “You will fill me with joy in Your Presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.” (Psalm 16:11) “Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done, and proclaim...
  8. Loon Watchman


    Here's a short video I made (under 2 minutes) that will encourage your hope.
  9. Loon Watchman


    The process by which God develops deep spiritual roots in us is typically unglamorous and often painful. But when the winds begin to blow — and many trees around you are going down — you’ll be really glad you have deep roots.
  10. Angelique Fireheart

    Hello. New to this Forum.

    Hi. Angelique Fireheart here. I'm a Christian, and am eager to make some new friends. I started a Christian Chat on one of my communities, and it's a success, but I want to meet other Christians, too. I thought joining here would be a good way to do that. God created us all for a reason and He...