Whoa now....why are you getting so upset? By the question that you asked me I can see that you don't seem to understand what I am saying. The story of Lazarus is a PARABLE not a fabrication. It was NOT intended to teach us the semantics of the after life. Now the point that you are missing is that the dead whether they are righteous or unrighteous are "asleep". They are in a state of unconsciousness. They are at rest. They will be awoken one day (resurrected) when Jesus returns. This parable has two men having a conversation in the after life while one is burning in agony (makes you wonder how he could intelligently talk in the first place) and the other one is sitting in Abraham's lap (did everyone get to sit in his lap or was it just Lazarus?lol). Now if the dead are "asleep" as scripture teaches then how are these two having a conversation? Point...it didn't happen. This parable was told to show the Pharisees and scribes that though they think they are righteous and are going to make it to the kingdom of God...they will not while those who seem least likely in this life will inherit the kingdom of God. Does that answer your question?