9-4-2021 Seventh Day BAPTIST Edgewater, FL Pastor Keith “Your Choice; Life or No Life. I John 5;1-13

9-4-2021 Seventh Day BAPTIST Edgewater, FL Pastor Keith “Your Choice; Life or No Life. I John 5;1-13

Worldly knowledge can be confusing and illogical. We can only be sure of what God had revealed to us in His Word. The Word of God can be trusted. We, who are born of God, can overcome the world thru our Faith. He who believes that Jesus is the Son of God can overcome the world. The witness of God is greater than the witness of the world. He who believes God, has Eternal Life thru Jesus the Son of God. We, who believe in Jesus, have Eternal Life. Those who don’t believe Jesus, do not have Eternal Life.

Sometimes it’s difficult to know what is true in this world and what is false.

  • We can be sure of God when He speaks in His Word. The biblical story of creation is the truth and not that silly big bang theory of the world.

  • How did we get into this worldly mess we are in today with violence, wars and poverty? The world says it’s the lack of education, poverty etc. etc. The Bible says the mess is because of the Sin we have.

  • How do we get out of this worldly mess? The world says gun control, education etc. etc. The Bible says once we turn to God and Jesus, then we can be changed and get out of this mess.

  • What’s going to happen when we all die? The world has all confusing ideas about this. The Bible says that once we die in Jesus, we will have Eternal Life in Heaven. Those who refuse Jesus don’t get to Heaven. Period.

  • The world speaks with uncertainty, confusion and doubt. The world says there is no God because of all the mess and violence that is happening. The world also does not believe in Truth.

  • The Bible says the church is to be the pillar of Truth. Some churches deny Jesus as the Son of God. Other churches uses religion to rip people off of their money. God want us to be confident of Him and His words.
In the book of John, Jesus says He is the good shepherd. He knows his sheep and his sheep know Him. Jesus said his sheep listen to Him and they follow Him and He gives his sheep Eternal Life. God, who gave His son Jesus for us, will surely give us all things we need in this life and in the life to come. Nothing can separate us from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

To be sure where you are going, be careful of who you associate with. The world is full of confusing people. Remember that he who has the Son of God has Life and he who does not have the Son of God, does not have Eternal Life. Make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior today.
