A Collection of Children's Poems

I wish we had these when I was a child in Sunday school and CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.)

One year the teacher actually brought in Dr. Seuss and Captain Kangaroo books. As children we didn't know any better and the parents went along with it. I think it's because the teacher was like a babysitter.

Anyone else experience this or other's thoughts?
I wish we had these when I was a child in Sunday school and CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.)

One year the teacher actually brought in Dr. Seuss and Captain Kangaroo books. As children we didn't know any better and the parents went along with it. I think it's because the teacher was like a babysitter.

Anyone else experience this or other's thoughts?
I have a few older nice children's Christian poems by other poets which I can post as well. I will include a bibliography.
Poem # 18
A Sunday School Lesson
by Belinda van Rensburg

In just six days God did create the heavens and the earth,
Then the man and woman sinned and gave Him a wide berth.

God covered them with hides, then banished them from Eden;
The entrance guarded by a Sword and Cherubim as wardens.

Evil grew and evil spread as mankind served the devil.
Noah built the ark before the waters drowned each rebel.

God sent prophets to His people who told them to repent.
Kings and priests did not like this and killed those whom God sent.

Then Jesus came and took the blame and died in our stead,
And that is why the devil our power in Jesus dread.

All those who believe in Christ will never, ever die,
And one day Jesus will return and meet us in the sky.

Angels singing, trumpets blowing; Christ will come again,
For He’s heaven's Darling, and the Savior of all men!

© 2008
Thank You, Jesus!
by Belinda van Rensburg

Thank You Jesus, for Your love,
And every good thing from Above!
For those who love and care for me;
For ears to hear and eyes to see.

Thank you for my food and clothes,
And hands, and fingers, feet, and toes;
For friends and for my family,
And all the things Your do for me.

© 2022

Dear brothers and sisters;

We have a young niece who will be 5 years old on April 18th. Pertriz is the youngest member of our church and has been attending almost every single Sunday since she was born. Her Baby Christening was back in 2017, will start kindergarten this fall but is already learning how to pray each day and read. Through the kindness of our own paidforinfull, we received from her and her husband a binder of children's poetry. The church was very blessed and pleased and we will present this to Pertriz so she can enjoy reading the children's poetry and color the pictures.

God bless you, paidforinfull, your husband and missions. Thank you!

Here a photo of Pertriz. Please keep her in your prayers.
Thank You, Jesus!
by Belinda van Rensburg

Thank You Jesus, for Your love,
And every good thing from Above!
For those who love and care for me;
For ears to hear and eyes to see.

Thank you for my food and clothes,
And hands, and fingers, feet, and toes;
For friends and for my family,
And all the things Your do for me.

© 2022
All these children's poems remind us of how much we take for granite.(and I don't mean the rock).
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Dear brothers and sisters;

We have a young niece who will be 5 years old on April 18th. Pertriz is the youngest member of our church and has been attending almost every single Sunday since she was born. Her Baby Christening was back in 2017, will start kindergarten this fall but is already learning how to pray each day and read. Through the kindness of our own paidforinfull, we received from her and her husband a binder of children's poetry. The church was very blessed and pleased and we will present this to Pertriz so she can enjoy reading the children's poetry and color the pictures.

God bless you, paidforinfull, your husband and missions. Thank you!

Here a photo of Pertriz. Please keep her in your prayers.
Thank you so much, bobinfaith! And God bless you and your lovely family as well.

Pertriz is absolutely adorable! I hope she enjoys the poems and the coloring pictures :).

In Him,
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Awwww. Hey D3v, your great niece is beautiful! Look at her happy, happy face. She is God's treasure to you, sister.
Agreed,I have watched her since she was 2 months old. She can talk like a grown up and is super intelligent. She's my little orange head she calls her hair.....lol
I've told her mom I don't know what I'm gonna do when real school starts. I had her all wk then it was decided at 2 she needed to socialize with her own age so I have her 2 days a wk now.

If red has a character as FIREY she's definitely exhibiting 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Correction: I found a mistake in this poem. This is the corrected version:

Thank You, Jesus!
by Belinda van Rensburg

Thank You Jesus, for Your love
And every good thing from Above!
For those who love and care for me;
For ears to hear and eyes to see.

Thank you for my food and clothes,
And hands, and fingers, feet, and toes;
For friends and for my family,
And all the things You do for me.

© 2022