Brother, we all know you don't believe in the supernatural for the common Joe and that even though you admit they are possible, you explain them away or state "if it's God's will" even when the word of God says it is all certainly possible. John says the world cannot contain the books about Jesus, image all the rest. The word of God is merely a summary, a table of contents, to what is available to us. God is infinite and we are too through Jesus. The word of God says that the things of this world are just a shadow of the things in the real realm. Why won't you allow the real world into your shadow world? I think you need to have more HEARING because even with the word of God you still don't believe. What happened to make you so cynical about the supernatural?It is true that in the past, God spoke to people sometimes in dreams. Examples are Joseph, son of Jacob; Joseph, the husband of Mary; Solomon; and several others. There is also a prophecy of the prophet Joel and, quoted by the apostle Peter that mentions God using dreams. So God can speak through dreams, if He chooses to.
We also know that God can and did speak to man through a jackass and a burning bush so dreams would not be a stretch.
But the fact is that dreams can come and do come from food we eat and the stress of the days we live in. Dreams can also come from the medication we take at times.
What must be considered is that we keep in mind that the Bible is now complete, having revealed everything we need to know from now until eternity. This is not to say that God does not work miracles or even speak through dreams today, but anything God says, whether through a dream, vision, impression, or “still small voice,” must agree completely with what He has already revealed in His Word. Dreams cannot usurp the authority of Scripture.
If you have a dream and feel that perhaps God gave it to you, prayerfully examine the Word of God and make sure your dream is in agreement with Scripture. If it is, prayerfully consider what God would have you do in response to your dream. In Scripture, whenever anyone experienced a dream from God, God always made the meaning of the dream clear, whether directly to the person, through an angel, or through another messenger so we really should not have a problem trying to figure out what it was He is trying to say. When God speaks to us, He makes sure His message is clearly understood.
I for one discount dreams completely as it is one obvious way for the enemy to try and confuse us and get our eyes off of Christ.
Romans 10:17........
"Faith comes by HEARING and hearing by the Word of God".
How could it be any clearer than that???
You give biblical examples and then you say...
So your words, your understanding is greater that the word of God? Brother, I'm not trying to put you down, I'm trying to get you to see the turmoil you're in because you defend the word of God then totally dismiss it. You can't have it both way and by dismissing it you reject it. Isn't that the very definition of having a double mind? I'm struggling with this just like you. I'm praying for you and me.But the fact is that...