Your already doing a great job from where I’m standing major!Well said my brother.
Sometimes we (Me) assume that Abraham, Issac, Jacob and the other Old Test. men were not as smart as we are today. You see, today we have TV and comuters and cars and airplanes so we must be smart.
IMO, Abraham knew a great deal more about Christ and the gospel than we give him credit for.
Jesus said in John 8:56..........
"Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad."
So Abraham must have known a great deal more than we realize. God had to have told him a lot of stuff but one of those things was that the Saviour was not yet come.
There on Mt. Moriah Abraham offered Isaac was a picture (example) of the offering and yes, the resurrection of the coming Saviour. You see, after God called Abraham to offer Isaac, it was THREE days before he got to Mt. Moriah.
In Abrahams heart....he knew Isaac was dead and God knew Abraham's heart and that Abraham was going to kill his son. So then Isaac did DIE in thoght just not in deed.
Paul says that God preached the gospel to Abraham and certainly that is what we see happening in Genesis 22.
As for me my advanced age, I am still overwhelmed at the things God teaches me. It makes me wish sometimes that I was younger and had more time to share the great things of God that He has allowed me to learn with others.
I have started to pray for deeper revelations since gaining a bit of knowledge about the rapture, thanks to you