Accepting Age, Versus Fighting it

Hi, below is a link to an article I wrote about acceptance of getting older, and how priorities change as we age.

Would appreciate your thoughts on the subject.

Article Excerpt: "Part of getting older is realizing that life is incredibly short and that God asks many things from us. For me, it’s a constant attempt to be humble, charitable and to remove all the vain and needless distractions, so I can focus on a closer relationship with Him. It’s a constant attempt (and often a struggle) to become less of a worldly person, and more of a spiritual person."
As one who is getting older (I will be 62 this year), I have thought a great deal about the process. Mentally, I am not as sharp as I was in my prime (and maybe that wasn’t all that sharp). Physically, I have had several signs of aging as well as what some consider major challenges. But the Lord has been and continues to be with me along the way.

I went through chemo-therapy a couple of years back followed by surgery. I can honestly say that I have always had a peace about it. The Lord was with me and guided my surgeon. My dear wife constantly guards my health.

I am concerned about failing health, but the end result does not fill my thoughts. Whatever time I have left whether it is limited by my health or the Lord returns soon, I want to be a blessing to my family and to those around me. I really am not so much interested in extending my time here as I am in helping those who I meet in my day-to-day life.
When I was a young teenager, it seemed like it would take eternity to get to 21 years old. Now that I am 62 years old, I look back and seems like my life has only been a "vapor" of smoke that has only appeared for a little time, and it is now vanishing away. I am not concerned at all about this, as being a Christian I know that "to live is Christ, to die is gain". We born again believers have a "win win" situation going on. We can never loose no matter what happens.