That's a good scripture James, but it is one that a lot of people abuse. I'm not saying you've abused that scripture, but feel led to say this.Something else to add to it all....
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? 2 Cor 13:5
Here comes the "smokescreen" of overeating. I know people who will justify smoking by using the "smokescreen" of overeating. My late husband used all sorts of "smokescreens" to justify his drinking--until the alcohol literally killed him. He even used "one drink can be beneficial to your health" reason. In another post in this thread, I gave the reasons why I believe the Word of God teaches total abstinence from alcohol.Hi, I am new here. Hello people! I guess an issue I have is the fact that 1 glass of wine, is actually beneficial to your health or not bad for it. However, a McDonald's cheeseburger is terrible for your health, so are french fries, alfredo sauce, cheese dip, pie, chips, and the list goes on and on.....we have made a double standard I believe. I am not even saying that I drink, but I have noticed throughout my travels to many churches in the United States and Europe, especially here in America, we tend to judge the man holding a bottle of beer or glass of wine, and not the man shoving a greasy cheeseburger in his mouth while dipping his fries in ranch dressing. Which do you feel is really more destructive to the temple we call our body?
More people die of heart disease and related illnesses than any other cause in America. We have preachers talking to their congregations about how any wine whatsoever is a sin, yet they themselves are 40 pounds overweight. Not saying anything is right or wrong here.....just bringing up this issue.
I have lost several of my friends who drink to Cyrossis of the liver- what a waste- more people are killed every year buy drunk drivers than the total US war loss in Vietnam- while the bible does not outright prohibit drinking and does say do not get drunk it seems that all you have to do is look at the fruit of wrecked lives and families to know it does more harm than it could ever do good- oh and pass the cheeseburgers
Here's the link to the post where I shared why I believe that God's Word teaches total abstinence from alcohol.
I'm not forcing anyone to believe what I believe--you need to study it out for yourselves. All I can say is this: When I see a person, who professes to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, drinking alcohol, it is a big turn off, and bad witness (to me personally).
The verse in Ephesians 5, where it says "Be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess" doesn't mean that you can drink, just as long as you don't get drunk--the excess is in the drinking itself. There are some who can get drunk on one drink. Why take the chance?
I recognize your point as a double standard, but I disagree with you. What I see are people who use "gluttony" as a sin (and it is a sin) to justify drinking alcohol. I have been on many of these forum boards and this topic ALWAYS comes up in the threads "Should A Christian Drink Alcohol", etc. To me, sin is sin and one sin does not justify another sin. My final authority is God's Word--if something I do will not glorify God, then I don't do it.I completely respect your opinion and I certainly have my own and my interpretations of what is being said in all these passages.
Do you however recognize my point that its a double standard for some people to say 4 oz of wine is a sin and not a cheese drizzled burger with bacon?
I recognize your point as a double standard, but I disagree with you. What I see are people who use "gluttony" as a sin (and it is a sin) to justify drinking alcohol. I have been on many of these forum boards and this topic ALWAYS comes up in the threads "Should A Christian Drink Alcohol", etc. To me, sin is sin and one sin does not justify another sin. My final authority is God's Word--if something I do will not glorify God, then I don't do it.
For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. (1 Corinthians 6:20)
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. (Romans 14:21)
This verse doesn't add "only when I am in the company of my weaker brother/sister"--it means don't do those things at anytime. You don't know who else you might be offending or causing to stumble in their faith.
Personally, I think anything that defiles our body is a sin. Whether it's being overweight, smoking, drinking or what have you. But..., the question asked in this thread was about alcohol, not cheeseburgers or french fries. So I answered the question accordingly.
It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. (Romans 14:21)
This verse doesn't add "only when I am in the company of my weaker brother/sister"--it means don't do those things at anytime. You don't know who else you might be offending or causing to stumble in their faith.
This has been going on for years, not only here, but in many sector forums. Persons who post one time and sit back to watch the discussions, many times are searching for JUSTIFICATION to continue a lifestyle that they themselves question. They find a trend in the answers that are posted and use that as their guide RATHER than praying directly to Our Father about their situation and following His advice by way of His guidance.
However, God may possibly be using us all as a tool for these one time posters to disseminate information, so who are we to question His way of reaching these persons?
No apologies necessary.I agree, and true....I have turned it in to a food discussion, so my apologies for that. I agree anything that defiles your body is a sin. I got into food, because I brought up the point that our culture gets offended over alcohol and not food because of what they have been taught. If they got offended over what was sin, then we would also get offended by food. Anyway, the it is an alcohol question, perhaps I should start a new thread. haha