All that glitters

Feb 28, 2021
Gronant North Wales
Woke up had this dream/vision playing out in my mind

All that glitters

Bright lights


All the fun of the fair

Screaming shouting laughing

Painted faces

Side shows

Illusionist magic

slight of hand

Masquerades dancing


anything goes

Being sucked in with the thrill of the fair

Thunderous rollercoasters

spinning me out of control

Flinging me into the air

My heads spinning can’t focus

Hall of mirrors

Distorting who I am

No time to think

Take breathe

This overwhelming cacophony of sound and vision

Bore down into my soul,

Holding my head

Covering my ears


Curled into a corner

I began to scream

My head spinning


Wanting out

But the faster I ran

harder I tried

The louder the noise

The brighter the lights

The endless of the

Carrousel spinning me out of control

round and round

The falseness,

emptiness overwhelmed

I sank to my knees

And through tear stained eyes

I cried out

As the worldly illusion of this

False utopia overwhelms

Slowly the music began to distort, slowdown

The lights began blur

This turntable of life

begins to slow down

Spring broken

Began to fade

I rub my eyes

Again and again

In the cold light of the day

began to focus

saw reality

Rags and tatters

A broken world

Rusted desolate

Fallen apart


Begging for help

pleading “Why me?”

Gone all the glitter, bright lights

Painted faces

Ring masters

Empty promises

Noise of unfulfilled dreams and promises

exchange for my soul

Hedonistic lies

Confused reality

This dreamscape

Of worldliness

Came into focus

In the light of day

a broken fantasy

Lost dreams

Desperately trying to cling onto a false reality

greed self-seeking


A painted veneer

Of successful living

Where any thing goes

Fell away,

Like melted celluloid

Film trapped in the gate

the light of reality burns through

Hopelessness of chasing dreams of Shangri-La

Just an illusion away

With open heart

Reality struck

Saw souls

Trapped by this detritus

Of worldliness

Wallowing around in

Heartache and pain

Vainly trying to recreat their

Heaven on earth

Not looking to Jesus

And the cross

The author and finisher of their faith