Alphabet Soup Garden Varieties

Thank y'all for the prayers

my daughter had a stent placed in her liver
being she passed a large gallstone
it got stuck and they couldnt find it
test after test after test cha-ching
eight days in the hospital
three just to find a room and surgeon
that could do the procedure
and get transported to another hospital
before they could even try to take her gallbladder
what a heck of a week sleeping in chairs
with this wonderful ankylosing spondylitis
that stabbed me regularly the entire escapade

but our Father in heaven blessed me with that job

I started this week and I absolutely love it!
I feel like Im back in college cutting mats
and framing up art work except this time
its not mine but I get to hear their journeys
which makes this position a great fit fpr me
the pay bites but hey its a fun job Im gonna love

thank you Father in the name of your Son Jesus Christ
for listening to me and always supporting me when I need it most
especially through this site and my brothers and sisters posting
please watch over them all and answer their prayers
each according to their secret needs and may the holy spirit utter for me
for they are many and mine are but a few~ Amen.
we are but tiny stones upon the shore
gathered together like never before,

washed clean with love in holy places white
coming out from darkness and into light,

sometimes life storms wash us away to sea
but our Lord waits for us happily,

when we return humbled with forgiveness
our moss gathered are lessons from mess,

time might crush us into fine grains of sand
but firm on His foundations we shall land,

when waves rage and drag us from safe spaces
we will find refuge in holy places,

might we all remember how to swim well
so the fiery darts thrown we may quell,

till we unite in our forever home
may we seek other and together roam~
dont we all wonder about things
that really dont have an answer
so we make one up in our head
that never seems to satisfy us
but somehow its still comforting
in the larger perspective

well its during times like this
I simply let go and let God
cause he has those answers
even if they dont make sense
and thats what I find comforting
this life is nothing but another thing...
this special energy in me seems to be bottled up
almost like a steam kettle just before it whistles
held back until the perfect pressure can be released
like everything is almost normal on the outside
but it requires a powerful responsibility of restraint
and inside its an exercise of loving compassion

this incredible unique to me resource and reserve
that I carefully tap into when necessary is precious
because its a gift given to us through the holy spirit
we can either use it wisely for the good of others
through prayers and example responsibly as directed
or choose to be unwise and simply saved

there are far too many lazy Christians like me
for I too am guilty many times of this myself
we waste days without enough prayer fellowship and study
when collectively our words and works could change
the hearts minds and souls of others in this place
instead of struggling to survive for ourselves

Father in the name of your Son Jesus Christ
might we all try harder to love one another
and make this world we live in a better place
for everyone we can help with what we have
sharing caring and wearing hope like a garment
for all to see your light of salvation, Amen
no matter how hard we try
us mortals will never be perfect
mistakes are part of humanity
and our Lord knows we make them

there are some of us (me included sometimes)
that beat ourselves up for transgressions
when all we need to do is let them go
pray for forgiveness, exercise self-forgiveness

throw away the garbage of yesterday
today can be a clean and beautiful new day
our minds will thank us in the process
a renewed spirit always finds peace

Father in the name of your Son Jesus Christ
may those who need to forgive themselves
do so giving you their hearts burdens
easing their minds to find rest in you

is it me or do most men over think things?
justification contemplation
to analyze to dissect minute details
to discuss and argue point after point
each one thinking their answers are correct
standing firm on their personal philosophies

but where is the meekness in that?
being humble and loving one another
accepting of all faults knowing we are forgiven
to in return show and wear that forgiveness
to be spiritually minded and not carnally minded
to be loving in heart instead of logical in mind

for love is like faith and cannot be proven
there is no complex mathematical formula
or scientific equation of proof that either exist
salvation has but one simple principle
either you believe in your heart or you dont
walk the walk instead of questioning our Father

for He has laid out everything he wants us to know
its in one place in one book in countless languages
glean from it what the holy spirit wishes for you
for that exact thing varies from person to person
and the same verse might speak differently every time
we are all made unique special and to praise Him

sometimes the greatest lessons are-
Less Is More. Your Filling Is Fluff. Love Is Above All Things.
I dont know who needs to hear that right now
but here it is Lord, on this thread you blessed me with
might it be read digested and be a vehicle for change
to glorify and praise you always, amen
a blizzard at night
may roar through me with frost
an igloo is still made from ice
massive glaciers even more dense

I might be able to dress well
to withstand the weather
in layer after layer of clothing
of all things extremely cold

but there is only one way
to escape the depths of fire
like a pool of lava flowing forever
where evil shall burn in its flames

therefore I have my protective suit
armed with the tools of salvation
to quench all fiery darts thrown
in the name of Jesus Christ

we guard ourselves from the elements
but there is only One who will save
mankind from eternal burning
and it is a free gift

For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish but have everlasting life

and while alive here thats all that matters
no matter what the weather might bring...
theres this feeling inside me- like an urge? maybe desire- its hard to explain
that implores to write something poetic
but sometimes it can be so fleeting it doesnt stick around
long enough to decide exactly what it really wants me to say
but I will give it a good try...

childlike happiness is quite simple
its uncomplicated joyous feeling,
like a smile on a cheek with dimples
deep inside my heart such things are healing,

the kinds of excitement that fills with hope
banishing away all discontentment,
for sometimes life makes living hard to cope
and peace through pleasure is heaven sent,

put away heavy thoughts for tomorrow
we are able to rejoice and smile,
wipe those soul tears theres no time for sorrow
leave your woes like laundry in a pile,

today is in your hands to be happy
so get to smiling and make it snappy!
Thank you for the prayer; its always welcomed :) I did get a new job. The pay is very low even for this area, but I am enjoying it thus far. I certainly hope I feel the same way in a year. My daughter had surgery and has been out from work. She wont be able to go back to her position until she is completely healed. That should be sometime after the holidays. Therefore, off to work I go so we can pay the bills. I have memories of Snow White popping in my head, with the seven dwarfs singing... lol
Dream among the clouds

these fluffy things floating around
what color will they share with me
today they seem the palest lightest blue
not quite a white as they speak to me
like pillows in the sky I want to nap upon
they call me into the golden daylight

some appear almost like cotton candy
as small ones slowly escape into sunshine
poof they're gone in a matter of minutes
I could not even say hello or goodbye
evaporating away like they never existed
farewell my beauties I will remember you

and I know our Lord is there among them
maybe He plays peek a boo from behind rays
which stream down through clouds like filters
they shoot streaks like a light gun in yellows
seems just so southern belle peachy to me
He illuminates my eyes with wonderous joy

I believe He is everywhere and in everything
He knows when we feel closer to Him
whether happy sad or indifferent He is here
right inside our hearts minds and spirit
even when on this beautiful morning
I dream among the clouds
Time for some plain ole prose... I suppose...

Its 12:59am EST, and Im awake as usual. Horrid insomnia is just one of a slew of related symptoms of HLA-B27 (ankylosing spondylitis). Yay Im one of the eight percent of people in the world with this rare form of arthritis! Sarcasm can be a good friend during the even wee-er hours of the morning let me tell ya. Mirror mirror on the wall, did you see me on my booty fall? I think I shook the street lamp outside. We aren't in Cali so this minor quake lasted only a few seconds. Haus needs to leave his toys off the stairs; hes not always the best dog a human can love. It would help if I actually looked before stepping, but hey I never said the psi levels in my brain didn't need adjustment.

Ah, but back to the positives! The stairs are still here! Hurricane Dorian could have actually taken them out along with the house. Alas we are all well and the power only flickered. I got to sleep in a real bed this year. Woo hoo! Last year it was on an air mattress at church for two months cause hurricane Florence flooded all lower lying areas. I miss living at church; I had the huge kitchen to myself most of the time, and I could pray in the chapel every morning. I even got to host those nice Red Cross workers and cook them breakfast. Adds happiness doing the Lords work doesn't it? He wanted me staying there for a reason. Im thankful for my congregation :)

So Glory To God! Thank you Father in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, for your glorious mercy, ever loving kindness, keeping us all safe, this house and please help everyone posting on this site, each according to their own needs, Amen.

Its now 1:15am and I know Im not everyones cup of tea, nor are my writes. The one thing I do know for sure- Our God is an Awesome GOD! Now Ive got that song stuck in my head.

Time for a naproxen so I don't ache while I lay here solving the worlds greatest problems in my mind before I blink again.
May everyone be thankful even for the tribulations. Good things do happen to balance our lives.

Nighty all, post with you soon. Peace, happiness, and chocolate.
For most of my life I have lived with insomnia, possibly inherited from my Mum who would often be found seated in the kitchen in the wee small hours reading her favourite book. My insomnia has got worse due two spinal reasons and now rather than fight it I get up and make a cup of hot chocolate and read for a while, the chocolate doesn't help my diet but it at least helps me get back to sleep. As I read your post I felt inspired to write the following:

As I lay down at night and in restlessness sleep I am reminded of the sight of God's only son asleep on a bed of hay, midst the darkness there was light all around this baby Jesus as he rested, a testimony to His peaceful coming, a confirmation to the stages of history, written 'pon the pages of God's Word, heard round the camp fires that the Messiah comes.
As I lay at times unrested, tested by the day's incessant worries my thoughts rise on eagle's wings and are lead once again to that night long ago when our Saviour was born, then I know in the the afterglow of that special event, Peace was heaven sent.
God meant for His son to bring us peace amid the trials of life, amidst the strife His peace will transcend the ages and bring relief. Tsavah2