Alphabet Soup Garden Varieties

I was watching a National Geographic show
called Photographer
and it really inspired me to be more creative
in beautiful ways my mind enjoys
but it also sparked the holy spirit in me
and got me thinking about all kinds of things
the last episode was of a photo journalist
that was capturing images in war zones
of the people, the people...
little frightened girls clinging to hope
boys trying to just be children playing
mothers struggling to stay alive
in unthinkable uncertainty surrounding them daily
I am sure there are countless refugees
in camps around the world that all want better
so much war so much loss so much chaos
so much terror we are fortunate not to know
this photographer and his wife started an organization
to help refugees in need and I am touched deeply
we sometimes forget how fortunate we really are
that the Lord has blessed us with simple things
like clean food air water and a place to sleep
what do we really need that He has not given us?

Father in the name of your Son Jesus Christ,
might we stay humble meek modest and loving
might we remember to be thankful for the little things
our "first world problems" come from a place of vanity
we all have sick children, ill loved ones, and struggles
what are ours in comparison to that kind of desperation
sometimes I think many of us take for granted
the kinds of lives we have been able to lead
teach us to be more generous and kind
May our Father in the name of His Son Jesus Christ continue to bless us all, and this site :)
Thank you for all you do Cosia; you are an inspiration to many along with everyone working behind the scenes.

Ive always wondered about angels
where they are where they go what they do
so many questions so few answers
do they fly around with wings
or have we entertained them
can they walk through walls
like the one that set Peter free
from the jail cell he was in
then simply disappear
what majestic holy creatures
they were made to be
Im sure they are beautiful
and peaceful things
I hope they are watching
and fighting battles
I know nothing about
cause sometimes
I think I can feel them
just knowing they exist...
Thank you thenami what a beautiful post. I too, pray the LORD will protect this site, and every single member.

I agree about the angels, and their wonderful duties they have. Would any of us know if we had been visited by one of God's angels. Sometimes I have wondered.
God Bless
I was watching a National Geographic show
called Photographer
and it really inspired me to be more creative
in beautiful ways my mind enjoys
but it also sparked the holy spirit in me
and got me thinking about all kinds of things
the last episode was of a photo journalist
that was capturing images in war zones
of the people, the people...
little frightened girls clinging to hope
boys trying to just be children playing
mothers struggling to stay alive
in unthinkable uncertainty surrounding them daily
I am sure there are countless refugees
in camps around the world that all want better
so much war so much loss so much chaos
so much terror we are fortunate not to know
this photographer and his wife started an organization
to help refugees in need and I am touched deeply
we sometimes forget how fortunate we really are
that the Lord has blessed us with simple things
like clean food air water and a place to sleep
what do we really need that He has not given us?

Father in the name of your Son Jesus Christ,
might we stay humble meek modest and loving
might we remember to be thankful for the little things
our "first world problems" come from a place of vanity
we all have sick children, ill loved ones, and struggles
what are ours in comparison to that kind of desperation
sometimes I think many of us take for granted
the kinds of lives we have been able to lead
teach us to be more generous and kind

Good morning, thenami;

We also watch a lot of National Geographic. I saw the previews for Photographer and have to watch it at the scheduled time in our area.

I like how you take this show and bring in the Father, what He already sees and knows and what He's going to do.

God bless you, thenami.
our Fathers love is bright like the shinning Son
there is no wickedness in Him for he is kindness
He is holy and shall preserve our souls in the heavens
may we rejoice always as a forgiven servants
glorious are all the things He prepares for us all
might we remain cheerful and happy children

may we try not to cleanse our hearts in vain
for our sins are washed clean with daily forgiveness
but in the flesh of our bodies we continue to transgress
for the day is long and we may be plagued by evils hand
might we remain steadfast in our faith and strength
with the Lords words as a kindling light in this darkness

to wish I had fear
less courage and less strength
the lack of empathy and understanding
an inability of self expression
would still never bring me

back an innocence

I crave like plants need rain
and I feel that emptiness
to know I welcome death
for heaven will be
a reunion long lost friends

and I cry for myself

cause I cant remember
what it is like to know
many things others do
as I sit here unaware
of my true numbness

to turn off and shut out

anything I find offensive
to recluse away
with a semblance of knowledge
of how maybe early Christians felt
about the world around them

and I pray...
I enjoy connecting with my hearts love
that fundamental wisdom within me,
to let go and see the world from above
and cultivate genuine strength I see,

with insight good principals to uphold
I may uncloak mysteries found inside,
no uncertainties to resolve untold
just an openness to take this life's ride,

transformations do always take some time
when I understand my hearts desire,
there are some universal truths that chime
like musical thoughts now set on fire,

we want what we want and love what we wish
happiness is always a special dish :)
tests and more tests
still no accurate diagnosis
only symptoms which remain
or too dangerous solutions
no one wishes to attempt
I try to remind the nay sayers
life is not in their own hands
they are simply tools being used
for the greater good of humanity
but the aged old bloody battle field
betwixt science and religion remains
as past miracles require logic
in mans conclusions or exclusions
while I pray a little prayer
knowing there is a grand plan
and His will shall be done
no matter the outcome
we dont have to like any of it
only praise His holy name
for the beauty gifted
as long as we have it
yanno it kinda seems backwards
as I age less bothers me
cause I dont give a flying hoot
live and let live whatever
I have no control over anything
expect for me and my own happiness
so go on with your bad self
cause God will get you
better repent before He does
I guarantee you wont like it
for our Father so loved the world
He gave His only begotten Son
that whosoever believes in Him
shall not perish but have
everlasting life
if you dont want to accept that fact
dont cause there a place for you too
and eternity is a long time for damnation

hope to see you in heaven...
when people make the choice to choose peace
over dramatical events that would surely follow
among chaos turmoil anger and a slew of other emotions
it was because we did not wish to engage in any of it
that was ours to make to preserve ourselves and sanity
from outrageous behaviors humans want to display
with distance fortitude patience and love we do this
so dont get mad at us cause you believe we are disrespectful
we just wont put up with being fed your garbage from your can
and as Christians we are not your personal dumping ground
we will love you and pray for you but dont take advantage
cause ALL of the time God will get you Himself
while we sit back and see His plans unfold not Yours
when people make the choice to choose peace
over dramatical events that would surely follow
among chaos turmoil anger and a slew of other emotions
it was because we did not wish to engage in any of it
that was ours to make to preserve ourselves and sanity
from outrageous behaviors humans want to display
with distance fortitude patience and love we do this
so dont get mad at us cause you believe we are disrespectful
we just wont put up with being fed your garbage from your can
and as Christians we are not your personal dumping ground
we will love you and pray for you but dont take advantage
cause ALL of the time God will get you Himself
while we sit back and see His plans unfold not Yours

Good morning, thenami;

Before making the choice for peace people should get the facts first before displaying their opinion. We will continue to love and pray for them despite, but it's not our responsibility to "figure it out" and offer our understanding of what their cause is.

I'm with you, sister as I share my thoughts to this poem.

God bless you, thenami.
retirement in the American culture should be about social security
we have paid into a system meant for us citizens
but its been abused for purposes other than its original intentions
of providing an income at the age considered time
to stop physical laboring to enjoy what life is left
and it makes me wonder about it all

I know I wont get much being self employed most my life
it will not cover basic living expenditures which is ok
the future of this country will include the elderly
living in their cars with the last of their belongings
with this next generation being uneducated and unable
to fill the most critical functions of civilized society

that is the road this way too high inflation has us on
when everything else is gone hopefully I can still drive
maybe I will have a comfortable mat in the back of a car
with enough left for peanut butter and canned fruit
while I bathe in the bathroom sink of a public park
unable to receive any kind of medical assistance

sad thing is this scenario is happening in our backyards
young Americans do not see the point in going to college
being they know so many graduates without jobs
with student debt so high they live in studio apartments
while they watch friends grandparents living in their vans
and everyone doesnt know if they will make it through next week

good thing the only hope I have left is in heaven, and thats all I really need :)
retirement in the American culture should be about social security we have paid into a system meant for us citizens but its been abused for purposes other than its original intentions of providing an income at the age considered time to stop physical laboring to enjoy what life is left and it makes me wonder about it all I know I wont get much being self employed most my life it will not cover basic living expenditures which is ok the future of this country will include the elderly living in their cars with the last of their belongings with this next generation being uneducated and unable to fill the most critical functions of civilized society that is the road this way too high inflation has us on when everything else is gone hopefully I can still drive maybe I will have a comfortable mat in the back of a car with enough left for peanut butter and canned fruit while I bathe in the bathroom sink of a public park
unable to receive any kind of medical assistance sad thing is this scenario is happening in our backyards young Americans do not see the point in going to college being they know so many graduates without jobs with student debt so high they live in studio apartments while they watch friends grandparents living in their vans and everyone doesnt know if they will make it through next week

good thing the only hope I have left is in heaven, and thats all I really need :)

Good morning, thenami;

Your poem affects many, many Americans including our brothers and sisters around the world. I'd like to share my thoughts;

When I was 20 I began to work my first full time job and was still attending college at nights. I had my whole working career in front of me but was given discouraging advice how social security would end by the time I retired at 65. At the time I didn't know the concept of social security, pensions, unions, stock savings, it was all new to me.

I worked as a union employee for 5 years, overtime was abundant, we went on strike and won but the next strike we lost which led to my layoff for 6 months. Our stocks plummeted in 1987 and when I was called back to work I told myself, "I'm not going to continue in this line of work."

When I reached my early 30s we were blessed with a new home but I went through the lowest point in my career. In 2001 when I was 44 years old, 911 was a major setback because I love my country but I began to put limitations on myself. I began to have perspective for the people in the UK, Ukraine, the Philippines, Indonesia, Germany, Israel, etc...when their home is hit with bombs and destruction, instead of only reading about it.

In my 40s my wife and I were in the worst financial slump in 2004. I had another 20 - 25 years left of work and still had those thoughts of the pessimistic advice regarding our financial future.

I cannot explain but I felt I was putting limitations on God and He got my attention. At that point with the help of my former Pastor and others, I immediately submitted to God during this free fall and He helped me ride this out.

Instead of thinking how things could get worse as I aged, God turned our lives around in my 50s and 60s.

Social Security still exists, praise God. I've spoken with them and the financial economists to get the facts. No matter should SS ever close there will be another form of subsidy for our retired workers with ongoing expenses. There is no way our country will let the elderly population hang or fall into financial destruction.

Today I'm in the thick of the downward spiral in our country, perhaps the worst part how people have lost respect for human life. But America, England, Israel, etc...or the world does not replace God. In fact, God created the earth and remains in control, yet He takes the time to unconditionally love and care for His followers enabling us to also love, tend and care for many others as well.

I am not a prophet for the future and cannot explain how God is so amazing. The non believers ask, how can God take care of the world with so much suffering going on? I don't know, but He knows the world's conditions better than we do. Our God will always be completely sovereign and still take care of all our needs at that time and moment.

I'm not directing this at you, thenami, but rather all of us. Like I said, I'm in the thick of all this as well as anyone.

God bless you, and thank you for allowing me to share.
Im thankful for everything I have, and knowing how to "rough" it might prove to be an important quality one day.
That day isnt here yet, but it might just be around the corner with the current state of global affairs.
Its sad to see in wealthy nations, we fail to provide affordable services to the elderly most in need.

The hope of Heaven is all anyone ever needs in this life, but food and shelter are great too.
I dont feel like we are alone in the universe
it seems like there might be life elsewhere
that is a comforting notion to me somehow
which would explain how a lot of things
here on earth were built without knowing how
that thought deep inside makes me wonder

God created everything including the universe
the bible is very specific about that
I know deep in my bones this is a true fact
but did He create life on other planets
maybe one day we will know for sure if He did
and I will know why I dont feel alone on earth
sprinkle my heart with a little magic
while I giggle with the moon dust and stars,
let me forget about all stuff tragic
as I try to catch lightening bugs in jars,

I will set them free as I do delight
in the bright glow that they wish to provide,
kinda like the heavens I watch at night
we come and go away in this life's ride,

don't know why it fascinates me so much
these little things with many overlooks,
like how my phone now needs a harder touch
and I don't like to read text but love books,

small in the grandeur of the milky way
spellbound by sparkles a prison of love,
these trivial thoughts now float far away
forever captured by the sky above~
my eyes sing joyous opera's
with happiest of endings

just to glance upon your beauty
caught in a glimmer of hopes call

like diamonds in the faintest of light
which beg to be seen in glory

and I cannot speak a word
for I am frozen like a little girl

with a blush from the inside
as my tongue forgets to move

stuck on the roof of my mouth
it wishes to utter even nonsense

but alas all I can do is hide
behind a crush and dreams

in silence...