Alphabet Soup Garden Varieties

Im in the eastern part of the state, about 35 minutes from the beach.
This is my poetic ministry of sorts. I forget others might glean from the words written here.
may we find good comfort in fellowship
in our labors find the help we seek,
this life here on earth can be quite a trip
so lets bear others burdens even when bleak,

when two gather in Christ's name He is there
might we show His compassion in one mind,
we walk in the light our soul does bare
though His blood and love together we bind,

let us not tear each other down with words
but build each other up in His holy name,
let us study to be approved not cowards
to be accountable and not pass blame,

edification through fellowship yes
if iron sharpens iron let this be,
in prayer for each other may we bless
and in great joy one other do see~

Father in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, Amen