Alphabet Soup Garden Varieties

all things are possible resting on the foundations laid for us by God
as I rejoice always for everything he has given unto us in his world

might I have the strength to boldly stand on the words of Christ
knowing her has died for the sins of all manking including mine

for in the flesh I remain a dichotomy between my body and spirit
which are in a continued struggle fighting one against the other

and in the end the truth I do know like nothing else inside myself
our Father's will shall be done and I am nothing but his tool
her, lol... I am still the typo queen, hey hey, yea yea…

I am a typo queen in this forum
as I strike with keys on finger tips,
not always expressing clearly
the thoughts on my mind in blips,
but one thig I know for sure
it helps me to release some prose,
though some do not like that always
but thats life I do suppose...
Finally got out of the house today and did some grocery shopping.
I feel relief as I was starting to go a little on the batty side.
My daughter has been strickly adhering to all safety measures,
and masked me up but spared me the glove treatment.
Its been more like forced captivity. She did buy the groceries,
and has been paying all the bills so I cant complain.
Life really is good even though I am stuck on the property.
I do have a very nice large yard with a farmer behind me.
Its nice to hear the horses, and the rooster/chickens like to visit.
Our pitt miraculously has not tried to eat one. Yet... lol
more tornado activity is expected around these parts
but I rest upon my firm biblical foundation
knowing what shall be will come to pass
even if that means me Im ready to go home :)
Father in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, I have peace knowing I will rest in heaven
and all our human suffering shall end, thank you LORD we praise your holy name
might we do everything for your glory, resisting the evil in this world
protect us from the arrogance of the proud, and the scorning of those at ease
keep us from the gossip of those whom wish to cause us harm
shield us from bad or drunk drivers who don't pay enough attention
get them all the help they need, and guide them to salvation through us
cover us from the hatred in this place, and from the mean spirited
you are the armor we shine which protects our souls from destruction
might that light blind those whom are evil long enough to see
your true beauty of salvation~ Amen
there are no bars upon the windows
no shakles iron clad on my feet,
my spirit lacks the beaten bruises
of being slammed into the street,

no forced silence of speech
nor handcuff abrasion wrist,
yet from the corner of my eye
I wipe away a familiar mist,

loneliness quietly plays her tune
it echo's in canyon of mind,
as it wishes to repeat wisdom
singing our own prison we do find,

for in reality we are not stuck indoors
though extended isolation we dislike,
many of us are fortunate indeed
to have this world take a brief hike~
been enjoying the SON shine out today
my yard is freshly mowed like I want it,
clouds have been playing peek a boo with grey
and some baby blue hues of spring a bit,

while my flower garden waits for a drink
I rest quietly soaking in the heat,
but before I could yet once again blink
that brightness strolled away down the street,

now I am left waiting like my flowers
for something we know we do need badly,
water or some sunshine with its powers
in patient anticipation gladly,

heres to the outdoors in all its wonder
might I enjoy it before the thunder~
Yo ho ho and a bottle of... flippin' antihistamines.
Arrgghh matey I feel like me should be well soaked in them.
Im having a very bad day with a now more than annoying autoimmune response.
Not only do I have the usual inflammation and pain, but I ITCH all over.
I wish I could go to the E.R. for a shot of prednisone, but this isn't an emergency yet.
Im not covered in hives like I have been many times which is a plus.
My throat doesn't feel like its gonna close and I wont be able to breathe. Another plus.
However I still itch from my scalp to my feet after taking a 120mg Sudafed two hours ago.
SO I took a Benadryl too just because Im going batty oingo boingo bananas in a basket.
Its going to be 5pm soon. That's just driving me BONKERS, and I cant even get out of the house.
Covid-19 you are cramping my allergic reaction to what ever it is this time my body doesn't like.
...and yes I took a bath with baking soda which only helped while I was in it.

Thank you for the rant. I feel better mentally already anyhow, as scratch my ears that tich from the inside...
Im felling much better today but still experience itching. The severity has calmed down quit a bit.
Thanks for the prayers... hugs and love to all ox'

as the birds do sing and the sun does shine
they remind me of heavenly things divine,
better day are coming this I do know
with the love of Christ inside me to grow,
the hope of righteousness give me the strength
to live through tribulations at any length!
I can only imagine how the apostle Paul felt, when I read Romans thru Philemon.

I wrestle not in the grapevines of wrath
nor upon majestic swells shall I sail,
with bow and arrow I will aim wisely
knowing my target is much less than frail,

but words they carry the weight of Atlas
a burden upon the shoulders of man,
for once they are released they hit their mark
as some struggle to listen if they can,

what does the belly swallow in the end
are they digested or misunderstood?
while flesh interprets what the heart does hear
yet when fired they pierce stone if they could,

the world does not forgive nor forget to
present empty quivers in it's hand,
only the body of Christ does forgive
those trespasses forged in an iron land~
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our cat is rather an odd little character as many usually are
however most of the time I do believe he thinks he's one of the dogs
as a kitten he would actually play fetch but now he plays run with it
much to the aggravation of our pitt that thinks all toys belong to him
its rather comical to observe their dynamic of who is the bigger jerk
I imagine what they would say to each other if they could speak
and our spitz/rotty just sits there oblivious in the sun streaming in
wondering why I haven't pet her yet as another day slowly lingers
into what the heck am I gonna make for dinner this time aye?
while the other cat sleeps under the bed away from all the noise
of the pet madness up and down the stair case till I stop them
and settle back into my chair typing nonsense out of boredom

thankful for their daily entertainment...
Between flare ups, quarantine, getting old, being unemployed (quit my job to be safe), I have been rather lazy.
My daughter and I did some floor exercises yesterday to get us moving around. We sure can feel how out of shape we are.
Maybe some of you out there in internet land can understand what solitude has done to our figures. Im rounder, not stronger.
That's not a good at any age or weight. So we have started to find new ways to do the same old things for more fun like exercise.
Its a start to feeling mentally better about having to remain safe indoors. We've been rather goofy about our approaches to this problem.
Im sure anyone taking a peek into the living room from outside would certainly agree our methods could be considered wacky.
We now have stairs-o-cise where we hop and crouch around on the stair case, and throw the toys, where we purposely confuse out pitt.
He still wonders why we keep randomly throwing all this toys from across the room into his basket. We also have our favorite one of all.
We have a fake deer and targets in the yard for bow practice, but we do it super fast now and usually miss. I use an old recurve; she has a compound.
We are using my blunt but pointed tips (they do get into the targets), so we don't hurt ourselves. I have many I always like to use with my recurve.
I don't hunt like my son in law and daughter do, so I don't need anything else.

Thing is we are getting active, having fun, and moving around some. That's a good thing on any day :)

Please keep my daughter in your prayers. She is having major surgery on the 21st, for a severed ligament and other damage in her right ankle up to her knee. Therefore it is important to get moving now as she will have limited mobility for eight weeks. She wont be able to work during her recovery time.
Hugs and love to all~ ox'
Getting the house ready for my daughters surgery. Asking our Father in the name of his Son Jesus Christ to but some fire under my son in laws booty, to get him moving around here. Too much to do in too little time. Asking for prayer for them both. Thank you in advance~ father in the name of your Son Jesus Christ please bless all those reading with abundant love, compassion, mercy, and happiness beyond measure. Amen.

wondering to myself about the universe
does the rain bring the earth and sky together
if only for a while just to say I love you still
in special ways only the stars could understand

with oceans kissing them all a long hello
upon the shorelines dreaming of unity
while the clouds dance in amusement
and the winds blow their own symphony

thinking God is the master artist and musician
ultimate scientist and mathematician
interplanetary time traveler and philosopher
he created everything even what is in my mind

with glorious excitement might I enjoy his beauty
that surrounds me in the most simple expressions
like the caressing of the sunshine upon the flowers
blossoming in the garden like his love for us
when I am bored I love to knead some bread
just the thrill of waiting for it to rise,
flashes pictures of yummy in my head
with mouthfuls choking buttery surprise,

that oven toasted aroma awaits
to fill every single breath I might take,
like Im gonna catch a hungry man baits
with sweet kitchen honey Im known to make~

time to go play and cook some dinner...
Ahh our wonderful Father in heaven! We will rejoice in all things! My daughter is having surgery on the 21st. I will be having eye surgery on the 3rd (R), and 17th (L). One of us will have trouble walking, and the other trouble seeing, LOL!!! What a mother daughter duo we will be...

This will be a busy week getting the house ready and meals made to freeze in preparation for these events. We did go to the beach yesterday to enjoy the blue green ocean we have here in NC. Its been very clean lately, and glorious to view. Sparkling like millions of gem stones in the sunlight, God sure did make the oceans beautiful! Nothing like the salt air, and thundering sea to motivate us into a speedy recovery. Hopefully the summer wont pass too quickly...
our aging bodies get broken down
but Christ's love turns us from upside down,
and it wont matter if we've worn a frown
when at his feet we lay that gifted crown,

these hearts they break along with our bones
sometimes words do hurt more than sticks and stones,
promises are bartered like unpaid loans
as the holy spirit speaks silent moans,

reminded of memories good and bad
molded by circumstance by our hand,
forgiven by grace we wear God's own brand
that shall redeem his children from this land,

tribulation pain and misery wend
when angels play a trumpet sound to send,
and call those dead first in Christ to ascend
as eternal life awaits in the end~
Another beautiful sunny day in eastern NC ! My daughter is doing well after surgery, even though her pain levels are high. Thank you all for the prayers.
Its 9am here EST. and Im ready to greet another day. Father in heaven, in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, might today be filled with happiness, hope, and peace for everyone reading. May you help us all with the spiritual things you know we need. Give us the courage, strength, and ambition to over come any and all tribulations we face. If this is your good will, according to you glory, grace, and love may it be so. Amen.
oh my how we try to put things out of our minds
when no matter how much time passes on
poof here they are like a bowl of ramen noodles
hot and ready to be gobbled up memories

and bam there you are in my braiin like you never left
with grease on your hands working on my table
like you did not already have enough parts
scattered in the menagerie of garage grave yards

where all car and Harley parts went onto another life
with that stench of fuel filled rage madness
that would bang on the inside of your skull
for hours on end until you figured it out

when all I want to do is scream into heaven
just to let you know you passed the gene
onto the next generation of I gotta do it myself
mechanical mayhem melodies of plum crazy

she is so much like you and you never got to see it
how my heart still aches in places only you go
that I seldom care to admit even to myself
knowing real love never dies only people do @>`----

and those that don't believe that are liars
Urgent Prayer Request~ Anyone out there in internet land of connecting the body of Christ...

My daughter is in the E.R. They did a cat scan being she had surgery on Thursday. She is having extreme pain in her ankle at the surgery site, severe neck, and migraine pain. I tried to have her let me call an ambulance, but she refused and waited for her husband to come home and take her.

Father in the name of your Son Jesus Christ please help her~ bless those finding this and praying. Love to all