I'm new in my church so haven't got to involved yet. I have people I talk to but atm no one I would say is someone I go to for accountability per say.
Hey Lance, apologies I should have elaborated a little more. I think it's great you have the awareness of the Spirit to feel that sense of the requirement of being accountable as you'd see in the Word, every single notable individual in the NT was accountable to someone or other so a real spirit lead thought. Personally I am accountable to the Elder Christians in my assembly as well as some real close, very experienced Christian I keep in contact with. The accountable part sounds a bit strong, it's more like having mother and fathers who will love you enough to be honest and keep your mind on the right track. There's one or two who would kick my backside half way around the moon if it meant loving me and they've came through for me more than once....