Paranormal and ghost hunters have come up with tons of evidence that would pass any form of scientific scrutiny.
To what ghost hunters are you referring to? like the TV show? please-people see what they want to see, and thats that. Run a infrared camera through a empty building at night, and all the sudden a magnetic pulse thingy wiggles a needle and you see a funny shadow, thats not scientific evidence of paranormal activity. Ive met plenty of people who believe so hard in the existence of ghosts and such, that they "think" theve honestly seen something paranormal, and believe it with all their heart, when it may be nothing more then an elaborate hoax, like in this case. Im not saying demons dont come out and mess with people, but I will say from my experience probably 98% of all "ghost" and paranormal events, are all either A: hoaxes B: natural events that people see but dont understand or C: seeing what they want to see. If they get themselves so worked up into believing something then theyre going to see ghosts in everything whether they are there or not.
to address another comment, when 2 or 3 are in a courtroom and telling the exact same story, there is almost a 100% chance that they are lying. It means they got together and got their stories straight. Eye witness accounts can often be the worst evidence out there, in an event because no two people see things the same way-they will each tell a different version. Its not that one is lying and the other is not, it has to do with perspective, they will all catch different details then the other, and all miss different details then the other, because they all perceive things different. If theyre saying the exact same thing, then theres a 99.9% chance that they got together before hand, and got their stories straight, and are lying.
On top of that, hoaxes are incredibly easy to do. just for example, lets have a hypothetical situation, Find the right time of night, send up a bright flare over the temple mount. All the sudden, you have 200 people seeing a "bright light" floating over the temple mount, and will all testify in court to that effect. Different people, will have different interpretations, since they dont know its a flare. Some people, will assume its an angel and a sign of the end times. Others, will see it as a demon. Others will think there has to be a scientific explanation for it.
Fact is something like this, especially in todays age of technology, is extremely easy to fake, and I mean EXTREMELY easy. I can make a video on my computer right now, in roughly 5 minutes, that shows the exact same image, from 5 different angles.