Any reason to believe in god?

Hi, Lukas.

You have asked some good questions, and I see that you've also made some interesting replies. But for most of the world, the two extremes of born-again Christian faith and absolute atheism or even serious agnosticism are not that meaningful. Most people sense and believe that something or someone is at work in the world, and their perceptions and convictions are not as silly or shallow as popular views tend to portray (mere animism, etc.) even though superstition certainly does abound in every nation and family of people.

As for the Bible passages you list, they speak very well for themselves. Humanity is what it is. One of the reasons I appreciate the Bible and know that it is truly given and kept by God is that it doesn't whitewash anything. So many people (religious or atheist) recoil at the truth about human nature. Many tend to overlook the obvious: that all people are sinners, or to put it in "nonreligious" terms, all people are capable of evil, and guilty of making very bad choices. The bad choices I refer to are specifically those where we place our own selfish interests above the good of other people, and even above what is best for our own lives. The Scriptures you list are perfect examples of that universal human problem.

I have no faith in religion whatsoever. Religion is too often what human beings come up with in the absence (or ignorance) of genuine faith and divine revelation. The world is overflowing with religion, and yet meaningful and productive faith is not so common. While I understand that God has used religion for great good (thank God for the Laws and Teachings given through Moses, and for all they reveal to us about ourselves and about God's right standards for human behavior), and while I know that James in the New Testament explains what good and true religion is all about, I try to steer clear of religious thinking and activity for its own sake.

I believe in God because He makes His existence, Presence and power evident in everything. I can't claim to understand every thing He does or everything He permits. But I've seen enough in my lifetime to know that He is always right in the decisions and judgments He makes. He is always more than fair, no matter how confusing or bitter a situation or difficulty in life may be or seem to be. God's bedrock motive in every act and revelation is the saving of human beings.

I believe in Jesus Christ because He quite literally rescued me from a great many things, and because His death on the cross is the one and only hope for all mankind. He has proven Himself to me in a great many ways, and too often I was no easier to convince than you may be.

In my own experience, from the people I have been able to observe over a long period of time, atheism and agnosticism often flow out from hearts (not rational minds) that are angry with God for various perceived wrongs in life. This resentment is by no means an unusual thing for human nature (atheist, Christian, or whatever). We all want what we want and we usually resent anyone and anything that attempts to oppose or restrict the fulfilling of our desire(s).

Also, truly bad things happen to many of us, at some time or another, and it's only natural for us to ask (however secretly) where God is or was, and why He would let such a thing happen. While asking such questions may show our ignorance of God and His will, who among us can claim to know everything about God? We hardly understand our own selves. God is not offended by any honest question. He delights to give us understanding and truth.

According to the Bible, there is no evidence on the earth that will convince the unbelieving mind that God exists or that Jesus Christ is the One and only Savior. The human "wisdom" embraced by this world does not point us to God or to Jesus Christ His Son. While some people seem to come to faith by following a logical path or reasoning, the Bible teaches that only a heart-and-soul response to God's Spirit brings us the spiritual light needed to truly see Jesus. The world is not dark because God's light is small, it is dark because we human beings prefer to close our eyes to any truth demanding a change in our lives. This is a condition common to all people.

I can see that God is working in your life. While I have no doubt that you will disagree with me on that, it makes no difference. God's grace, unlike voodoo, is not weakened by our immediate perceptions, opinions or understanding. A great many atheists, agnostics, religious fanatics, and other extremists have come to know and love and follow Jesus Christ. God loves us all, regardless of what we think (or refuse to think) of Him. He knows that we are flesh and blood, and that no human being lives long enough on this earth to sort out all the evidences and arguments. In His kindness, He gives us lots of help along the way. And for everyone who responds in faith, the reward is salvation and eternal life with the Lord of Light.

I do not need proof of God's love for me, I know it is real the same way i know my son's love for me is real. I cannot see his love, but I can feel it, and rejoice in the ways he shows me.

I am smart enough to know that logic does not make sense.