Read Ezekiel 44.
Read Ezekiel 44.
I couldn't agree about a stretch.
I appreciate what you're saying, but, as I've said before, I'm not trying to say that Ezekiel 44 has anything to do with medical matters, far less artificial gestation. It's the general principle which I want to bring in here: that we ought to test what we come into contact with, and what goes on around us. It's just a cautionary word against being too quick to celebrate a development like this, simply because it's in the field of medical science. Perhaps I was a bit quick to condemn this particular advancement (that's only a personal statement, I should point out, I don't speak for the rest of the brethren who have strong views about this), but I am instinctively wary about it. I'm sure you know as well as I do the way the world is going, and how the family unit is being attacked by the enemy. Divorce, promiscuity, abortion, artificial insemination, homosexuality - all these things have tended to a breakdown of the family unit, a rejection of the order that God introduced for Man at the beginning. This technology goes a step further - it removes the need for the involvement of even one parent in the early development of a child. How will that impact the traditional family? I don't know. I'm very much afraid that it won't be a positive impact.Of course he has. Artificial wombs have nothing to do with sweaty clothes.