This post is a simple but profound wake up call.
You don't like how your days have become or like your life and the things that keep happening to you?
Stop Asking God Why !!
Stop questioning God as if He is behind these things.!
Stop questing God to why He did not stop them or protect you better!
That's Right Just Stop!
Now take a close look at your life and be totally honest as to how you judge your self.
Now get in God's word and see how your life compares to His written word.
OK so you looked at all He said He would do and you find He has not done these for you.
Now get to the other side of His word. Yes you know what I am talking about. The part that says how we Are To Live or conduct our selves after we are born again.
Ouch.....not looking so pretty is it?!
There is your big revelation that you have been looking for. Why yes, it's you. It is you who you need to question.
Simple solution that works every single time......Repent and turn unto His ways. Admit you have not been walking according to His word.
Now see this..... Hear this....understand this.
God is not held Accountable to you with His Every Promise He has spoken just because you got your self born again.
No !! God is Held Accountable unto His Word. Scripture tells us that His Word Never Returns Unto Him Void.
What does this mean to you and me?
It means if we want to Experience His Best for us in our lives then we are going to have to live just as He has shown us in His word. God Honors His Word.
You say I try but it is not easy.
Sure it is. Living as God has said to live is the easiest life style there is to live. After all He created us to live such a life.
The hard part is Not doing things Your way. The hard part is denying your feelings about it and simply doing things His way.
Look at the season or hour we are in. Things are winding down and the devil is getting squeezed big time. This is the first time He has had Israel on one side squeezing in and the church on the other side squeezing in.
It's only going to get harder and harder for the slackard that calls them selves a believer. They will struggle and suffer just as the un-saved are.
God's promises are yes and amen.......however one does have to qualify in order to access these promises.
How does one qualify? By doing what His word says and it Must Always be accompanied With a Willing Heart And Through Un-Waivering Faith and Trust.
How well we live while we are here in this earth really comes down to us and how much we desire to live in God's best for us. It is always going to be our choice.
You don't like how your days have become or like your life and the things that keep happening to you?
Stop Asking God Why !!
Stop questioning God as if He is behind these things.!
Stop questing God to why He did not stop them or protect you better!
That's Right Just Stop!
Now take a close look at your life and be totally honest as to how you judge your self.
Now get in God's word and see how your life compares to His written word.
OK so you looked at all He said He would do and you find He has not done these for you.
Now get to the other side of His word. Yes you know what I am talking about. The part that says how we Are To Live or conduct our selves after we are born again.
Ouch.....not looking so pretty is it?!
There is your big revelation that you have been looking for. Why yes, it's you. It is you who you need to question.
Simple solution that works every single time......Repent and turn unto His ways. Admit you have not been walking according to His word.
Now see this..... Hear this....understand this.
God is not held Accountable to you with His Every Promise He has spoken just because you got your self born again.
No !! God is Held Accountable unto His Word. Scripture tells us that His Word Never Returns Unto Him Void.
What does this mean to you and me?
It means if we want to Experience His Best for us in our lives then we are going to have to live just as He has shown us in His word. God Honors His Word.
You say I try but it is not easy.
Sure it is. Living as God has said to live is the easiest life style there is to live. After all He created us to live such a life.
The hard part is Not doing things Your way. The hard part is denying your feelings about it and simply doing things His way.
Look at the season or hour we are in. Things are winding down and the devil is getting squeezed big time. This is the first time He has had Israel on one side squeezing in and the church on the other side squeezing in.
It's only going to get harder and harder for the slackard that calls them selves a believer. They will struggle and suffer just as the un-saved are.
God's promises are yes and amen.......however one does have to qualify in order to access these promises.
How does one qualify? By doing what His word says and it Must Always be accompanied With a Willing Heart And Through Un-Waivering Faith and Trust.
How well we live while we are here in this earth really comes down to us and how much we desire to live in God's best for us. It is always going to be our choice.