Atheism, and finding encouragement

One thing to always remember is that if you are 100% in your faith and count God and Jesus as knowledge and take them seriously, the affects of those who persecute you will wash off of you. After altering my thinking, I have found something that give me courage.

Realizing that everything others say against God isn't true, shouldn't affect me. Knowing their "knowledge" is equal to garbage, makes me not feel affected. Looking towards Heaven and realizing this world will fade away, bring me the courage to persue, and not conform to the world.

I wrote about a meme option, now I am going back and editing my post.

I think posting something calling someone a scumbag breaks down their worth, and a meme for atheists is subjective, since not all atheists do certain things. Dealing in absolutes will lead you to become very black and white, leaving you in the sinful ways of being cruel just like those you read post. Don't be a sith (lets see who gets my reference).

I am 17, and age has nothing to do with faith. It's just a matter of how bad you want it and how close you want to be with God. Knowledge is a gift from YHVH, and allowing YHVH to grant you the knowledge of how to build your faith, spread the gospel, and defend Him will help you tremendously in this area.

Just be an example of Christ in every part of your life, whereve you go.

And read the Bible. There are proof of YHVH's existence written in scientific codes and health codes all throughout the Bible. That is so much proof, that is one of my main arguments I use internally when I am going through waters. The Bible is a history book, filled with wonders and knowledge. Study it fowards, backwards, up, and down, until you pass. And help others as well.

Always Love YHVH, Yeshua, and others.

Much love :)
Thank you for your advice :)
Ya know this is just about all i do....and for me, to study the real thing (The Word of God) so that one can not get affected or enticed or swayed by the world is the only thing that keep me in a good place.

How long has it been since you really started diggin into and reading the Bible?
I'd say, for about 2-3 weeks.
Juk, God has put atheists with you to see Jesus in you.

It is not wrong to hate what atheists do. Just don't hate them. Nobody alive today is without hope. If they were they would be dead.
It is not easy to get through to them online. I would avoid it.

Head knowledge only goes so far. They need to see you turn the left cheek. They need to see you love them when nobody else does.
A while back I made it an point to take them on on-line here in South Africa as well, for the simple reason, they are lost, and their blasphemy is so elevated that it hurts.
I argued and argued, and discussed and discussed. They tend to call Christians names and try to degrade us in any way possible.
One day the Lord told me, that some will be lost, and there is no need running after them as they are just lost.
There is even a scripture that confirmed this to me (do not remember where, sorry), I felt like crying for some, and prayed for others, but in the end I gave up.
Once they find a Christian standing for the truth and the Word, they get their buddies and short before long, gang up on you.
Trust me, it is not nice and I would not recommend anyone taking them on in such a space. Mentally it is tremendously draining, and I'm sure, some there will take physical action against those that oppose them, they are just that deep in the clutches of the destroyer.
I would advise any young Christian to not get involved in a battle of words with atheists or groups.