Bible Scripture Studies

Hello to you and welcome,

This topic will have to deal with the New Man,

In the Bible scripture there is a foretelling that people who are converted by and through faith in the Lord Yeshua Christ, are baptized with the Holy Spirit of God, and also the spirit of Christ that comes to reside in their heart, which are given by God. Which comes to a believer which causes new birth to being a child or Son or daughter of God, but also expressed as the new man/woman.

Let's take a look at some scripture that deal with this,

This psalm was added for emphases to newness of looking towards God in faith, and fear, and praise.

Psalms 40:3 And He putteth in my mouth a new song, 'Praise to our God.' Many do see and fear and trust in Yahweh.

God puts a new song into the mouth - Praise to our God. Something new here is given to the psalmist, which leads to praising God. The writer goes on to express many do see and fear and trust in Yahweh.

Ezekiel 11:19 And I have given to them one heart, and a new spirit I do give in your midst, and I have turned the heart of stone out of their flesh, and give to them a heart of flesh.

This is speaking of the new spirit that is given to the believer by God, which in the heart. God will turn the heart of stone (unbelief - untrusting), out of their flesh, give to them a heart of flesh, - to have compassion, mercy, by the newness of this spirit that is given. That is what comes to my mind anyway.

Romans 6:4

Paul writing to the saints in Rome, spoke say "We were buried together, then, with him through the baptism to the death, that even as the Messiah was raised up out of the dead through the glory of the Father, so also we in newness of life might walk.

Paul is talking about how as believers they were buried with Christ Jesus, in this death - which is was symbolic of how we are to die with Christ, in dying to ourselves and living for him. Because even as the Messiah was raised up out of the dead, through the glory of the Father. Because of his raising again, by the Father it is so that we in Christ being raised with him now (Colossians 3:1) you are able to walk in newness of life by the spirit that God gives you, and works on the mind and the heart of an individual who allows God to do so, as God will not force his way on people.
Romans 7:6

Again here in Paul writes And now we have ceased from the law, that being dead, in which were held, so that we may serve in newness of Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.

This is talking about having become dead to the Law of Moses - which they were before held under before Jesus Christ had came to fulfill it.

The reason Jesus done this that - you may serve in newness of Spirit and not the oldness of the letter. (Which the people in that day in age who were Jewish would know, and share and debate with each other) The Spirit causes us to have other qualities than just the earthly.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Paul writes to the people at Corinth in his second letter, saying so if anyone is in the Messiah [he] is a new creature; the old things did pass away, lo become new have the all things.

New are all things in the Messiah becoming a new creature a new creation in becoming a Child of God, or Son or Daughter of God, the old things in which a person once walked become direct towards the guiding hand of God over time interceding them, into having all things become new.
Galatians 6:15

Paul writing to the people in Galatia, said For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision, availeth anything, no uncircum, but a new creation.

Doesn't matter about the old snippy, snippy, for anyone who is in the Messiah Yeshua, a new creation is what counts, not the differences between those whom are cut, or uncut. Which was very big among the Jewish crowd because it was an 'established mark' of being a Jew.

Ephesians 2:15

Paul writing to the people at Ephesus, wrote saying The enmity in his flesh, the law of the commands in ordinances having done away, that the two he might create in himself into one new man, making peace.

With Jesus having fulfilled the law, the law of commands and ordinances were done away with in Christ, now you have the Spirit to live by and have instant access to God by and through the Lord Yeshua, and because of this it has the ability to make peace, and that peace can be had with God, in the newness of whom you become by being a Child of God, or a Son or Daughter of GOd having a relationship with the Father by and through faith in prayers and supplications.

Ephesians 4:24

Paul wrote - and to put on the new man, which, according to God, was created in righteousness and kindness and truth.

By and through the new creation, living by the spirit - to put on the new man is something one must choose to do, and according to God the new person in Christ was created in righteousness and kindness and truth. How awesome is that.

Colossians 3:10

Paul writes to those in Colossae, saying And having put on the new, which is renewed in regard to knowledge, after the image of Him, who did create him.

How important is it to put on the new, and how important is it to be renewed in regard to knowledge, after the image of Him, who did create him?

Thank you for reading, and God Speed,