There’s no denying we live in crazy times (some would even say possibly end times but that’s a discussion for another thread). It seems wars never end, disease and illness are everywhere, political drama occurs every day, and people are embracing hedonistic lifestyles.
All of this has seemed to have led to a dramatic increase in hatred and intolerance especially for those who don’t toe the line for whatever society deems to be the appropriate point of view. Gone are the days when people can disagree on some things but still get along in a civil manner. I fear significantly more violence may be on our horizon.
So how do we make peace or try to help the world make peace without compromising our spiritual beliefs? In a world where we are beginning to be hated more and more and labeled as intolerant or bigoted, how can we try to help the world be a more peaceful place? Especially if the world doesn’t care to hear anything we have to say simply because of our spiritual beliefs?
All of this has seemed to have led to a dramatic increase in hatred and intolerance especially for those who don’t toe the line for whatever society deems to be the appropriate point of view. Gone are the days when people can disagree on some things but still get along in a civil manner. I fear significantly more violence may be on our horizon.
So how do we make peace or try to help the world make peace without compromising our spiritual beliefs? In a world where we are beginning to be hated more and more and labeled as intolerant or bigoted, how can we try to help the world be a more peaceful place? Especially if the world doesn’t care to hear anything we have to say simply because of our spiritual beliefs?