Blessing in the storm

Snow storm Maya hit our area here in WA State hard the last few days. She is on her way east now but what a mess yet! This is rain country, not snow country so the city and surrounding area was not prepared for all of the excess snow. The blessing was that it did bring some of us neighbors together as we worked to get workmen to clear snow off roofs. My neighbor and I share a metal carport. Excess snow can lead to it crashing on the cars or anyone near as well as other damages. We hired workmen to get it cleared off twice. Also, I am so grateful the way my family drove on bad roads (they have four wheel drive) to come clear my driveway. Prior to that I was snowbound, snowed in, and snowed on. The huge evergreen trees behind the houses across the street were loaded with snow and I was concerned about their breaking and crashing on the roofs. Some limbs did fall but now the new rain and some wind has melted the snow weighing down the branches so that is a blessing. Regardless of what we may think the cause is..this type of thing where I live is definitely a climatic change. Roads were closed or not safe, cars lined up on major highways, power outages due to falling snow and tree branches, school and businesses closed. And more. The city is not equipped because the last time there was a big snow like this was in 2012 and it seemed minor compared to this one. But I am snug as a bug in a rug here in my house. The power is on and that is a big blessing never to be taken for granted. Some remain without it.